I am home too :)
Punched Gut - The rest of the story
(IF you know me at all, you know this will be long-winded lol - and even longer winded cause I'm on drugs )
As many of you know I have been suffering from a pain in my abdomin that feels like I have been punched in the gut.
I had a CT Scan done on Tuesday. My surgeon thought I may have had Remnant Distension. The results of that scan ruled that out and showed that everything is working properly. YEAH!
Dr. Peters called me yesterday while I was at the hospital visiting Joni and Jenn. (Joni had her LAP-RNY done Monday and I am proud to report is doing very well [she went home today]. Jenn is Joni's partner the support I saw from her to Joni may well be the best I've ever seen.)
He told me to stay right where I was while he reviewed the scan results. Called back about 30 mins later asking where in the hospital I was (for he was there too) and next thing you know he's there in Joni's room with us talking to me and pressing and poking around and decided to admit me to run tests for Pancreatitus (sp), PE, and Ulcers. He asked me where on the scale for pain I was saying I was pretty stoic and it was hard to tell. I told him a 6. He directly admitted me into the hospital. Now, that's to say his part was done and I had doctor's orders in my hand.
I decided to just stick around the hospital figuring that as soon as I left they'd call me to come back. Makes sense yes? ummmm.. 5 hours later (Thank you Joni and Jenn and Vickie [her surgery was Monday] and her family and Leonard [his surgery was Monday] and his family for putting up with me flitting around for 5 hours back and forth. I appointed myself "walking cheerleader" let's get walking (Didn't need to do that with Joni she was doing marathons already lol)....... yup, 5 hours later, I got my bed.
In walked Dr. Peters again and he got the ball rolling. He had been in and around the hospital for at least 16 hours at this point. I think he is awesome. First things first, the PET Scan (very negative!). Then some blood work to check for pancreatitus and I also got some diladid which made me very woozy and itchy so benadryl follow and being in an unmonitored bed I slept all night uninterrupted.
I no sooner woke up this morning and they gave me some stuff for ulcers hoping that would settle things down. I had been NPO for quite a few hours and it didn't sit well so I tried walking about a bit and the pain gripped me again. So they gave me some more diladid. Nurse at my bed still and I said, ohhh, I don't feel good. She asked how I felt and I said tell you what, If i were standing right now I think I'd pass out. So next thing you know my bed is surrounded by 4 people. Checking blood pressure (it had dropped drastically) pulse, oxygen levels and a different nurse came in and starting asking a bunch of question of which I didn't have the gumption to answer. I was too busy feeling bad. I finally just said, I don't feel good and closed my eyes so she would get the hint and stop asking questions. She got the hint . My surgeon came in right after and I believe his comment was... I hear you tanked on us this morning. I said oh yes, I don't want any more of that stuff lol
Finally, off to get the scope. I get back to my room and sleep a bit (in fact I slept more times than not) Jenn said she came in a few times but I was always sleeping. I found notes left by folks I guess I was still really out of it from the diladid earlier.
Then my surgeon came in and I got an answer to the problem. My little pouch has already developed not 1 but 2 ulcers. So I am home now with some meds for ulcers, prevacid and when he was trying to figure out what pain med to send me home with (of course not diladid) and he mentioned Labtor, to which I said no no, that was the stuff that caused me to pass out at home . Then I told him to just send me with tylenol with codeine knowing that codeine makes me itch. I told him I'd rather go home with the known reaction than with something that may give me an unknown reaction. Got permission to take over the counter benadryl along with it.
I'll see him again in 2 weeks and have another scope done in 3 months.
Until that time I get to figure out how I'm am going to take a med that I have to take 4 times a day, on an empty stomach (1 hour prior to, 2-3 hours after eating) which cannot be taken at the same time as my vitamins. I think my med box that has 4 slots for each day is not going to be enough lol.
Well, still drowsy from the scope plus I've just taken a dose of the tylenol (refuse to apologize for typos and sentences that don't make sense lol) I'll be headed to bed very shortly
Love you all. Your support has been amazing! I was blessed the day I found this site and all you wonderful people.
Jennifer M.
on 4/27/05 8:27 am - Elkton, MD
on 4/27/05 8:27 am - Elkton, MD
Welcome Home Sweetie, I'm so glad they figured out what was going on, and that with a little
of some meds/food you'll be fixed up in no time. I'm glad we could be there for you, we'd do it again in a heartbeat!
Get some rest, and I'll check on you tomorrow!
Loads of Love,
Jenn & Joni [from bed]

I am so glad to see this post. I was just sitting here trying to decide if you would be up to a phone call in the hospital. I assume of all the things it could have been this may be one of the least worrisome. Would have hated to see you have to have any other procedures done. Please let me know if there is anything I can do for you.
Well - doesn't this just answer ALL of my questions! Ignore the message on your cell phone. I did call and thought about running over about 6pm (I was told between 4:30 & 5 you were still there in 4106)..so, since there was no answer, I tried a few more times...assuming you were out visiting or in testing....hmmmm. Sitting at home, were ya?
Glad to hear you are home and it's 'only' ulcers...?
Take care, feel better!
Love ya,