Had surgery... if you have pain.. get help!!
Hi all,
Just want to share my past week and reiterate what others have said before.. especially Nicki... that if you are experiencing pain.. that you know is not right.. get yourself to the ER.
I was vacationing in the Bahamas... and the the morning I left, I started with upper abdominal pain. It progressed to excruciating pain at nighttime. I blew it off to.. gas.. food poisoning.. drinking alcohol... anything I could think of. Tuesday it was a little better but by Wed morning, it was out of control. Thank goodness I went to the office and the wonderful ladies there sent me to the ER. I had surgery for an internal/intestinal hernia. The small intestine perforated my new "Y". This is the simpliest explanation... Anyway, home on Friday, and still reeling from the week, but hopefully each day will get better.
I'm not real fond of these unexpected hospital stays.. I like it much better when I'm in control.

Hey Tina,
Jeeeez girl, I am so sorry to hear that happened to you. You're right about that unexpected stuff, it is no fun. I hope this finds you feeling better fast! I was wondering how the Bahama trip went, being that this happend I guess you have no choice but to go back when you're feeling better huh!

Yikes Tina, Were you in the Bahamas when you had the surgery? I would be so afraid. One of my greatest fears is that I am not going to recognize when I have a serious problem. I have a tendency to a high pain threshold. I am going to err on the side of caution if I ever get in this situation. I am glad to hear you are feeling better.
I am so sorry to hear that you had to go through this ordeal! I hope you are feeling better soon. You are so right about seeking help when you have pain..."better safe than sorry"...and it's best if you make a quick call to the docs to check things out rather than end up in the emergency room under extreme cir****tances. I know many of us might think we are "bothering" the docs with phone calls -- but in the long run we are helping them by not creating possible emergency situations. TAKE CARE!