OT: Defying Calories
The afternoon of my surgery not too long after I came out of my sleep, yet still in a deep fuzz, my best friend belted out a song for me in my room. I remember laughing and grabbing the morphine pump. lol
I spoke to him about it and told him I could not remember anything but that, so send me the words! I got them this morning. He re-wrote my favorite song (Defying Gravity) from the musical "Wicked". I thought I'd share.
Defying Calories
Something has changed within me
Something in not the same
I'm through with dealing with
The hurt and the pain
Too long I've been a BIG girl
Full of fear and strife
It's time to trust the doctors
Go out and LIVE my liiiiiiiiiiiife
It's time to try, defying, calories
I think you should try defying caloreis
They'll never weigh you now!
I'm through accepting candy
'cause someone says it's good
Some things I can not eat
'cause if I do you know I'll puke
Too long I've been afraid of
Losing half of me
Well if food is love
It comes at much to high a cost
I think I'll try defying calories
Kiss 1/2 me goodbye, I'm defying calories
And they'll never weigh me now
So if you care to find me
Look in the shopping mall
As some one told me lately
Everyone deserves the chance to SHOP!
And if I'm shopping solo, at least I'm shopping petite
To those who'd stop me, take a message back from me...
Tell them how I...am defying calories
I'm happy now, defying calories
And nobdy, in all my life,
No fat girl that there ever was
Is ever gonna bring me down
Ya'll have a great day!