Needing to vent with questions
Hello everyone, Well I have a question for everyone that has gone through surgery. First let me start by saying my husband is wonderful and could not ask for a better one. Now, I was taking depression meds before the GB and after I felt like I did not need them plus one more medicine I can't remember. Everything that my husband seems to say or do seems to irritate me. I will be 3 months on 4/25/05. If he does not answer the phone (when I call), if he does not do the dishes, (I think he finds dirty clothes) just so I can do them. Yes I am a stay at home mom-wife and I know these are all my duties along with the boys, baseball and college, but he doesn't do anything since he started the 7am-3pm shift. Now the littlest things get on my nerves. He makes me feel like this is all my fault.
Is this something I maybe going through? Or is it something else?
Hi Christie,
I have been through this too, it does get better. I was told that tons of estrogen is released with fat and we are losing fat very rapidly, this can send you into basically PMS overload! Given your previous meds, I would definitely call and discuss this with your doc, especially if your depression is/was more of a clinical one vs. situational. Depression sucks and I know waaaay too much about it. Hang in there, it will get better.

I agree with the others. You should never stop taking a prescription drug without consulting the doctor that gave them to you. You may find out that even though you feel much better, that now more than ever you may need them. Hang in there. I know it will get better. Remember your family is here for you!
Towanda T.
Hi Towanda, the doctor knew that I stopped my depression meds. I just talked to her about getting back on them, but she did not have samples. I hate to fill a presecription when it might not work. So she said well you are losing weight, you might not be depressed it maybe something you ae going through. I don't feel depressed, but I don't know how I really feel (if that makes sense)