Anyone planning to attend? I signed up yesterday and I was the only one signed up! So anyone 6 months or more out from surgery, consider it, OK? I'd be bored talking to myself --- just kidding, I know they will cancel it if they don't get enough people....Maybe some of you ladies that attended the first session can tell us what it was like...????
I hope to see you there! I think it's going to be a big help to see that we are "not alone" with our emotional issues. If I didn't keep myself in the loop of support group meetings, the OH boards, etc. I would have never been able to accomplish what I have so far...a little over 100 pounds in about 9 months. I want to stay on track and committed for the long term so I think I really need this!
See ya,
That's how it was with me and the first offering of the class...couldn't make it. Well, I hear it's great and I guess if enough women keep signing up they will continue to repeat it. Everyone who has responded is so right -- after you get the physical aspects down, the emotional issues continue on and on and on...Do they EVER go away???
So I am really looking forward to talking with a group about this.
I hope you can attend it if/when they offer it again!
This was such an excellant class, I highly recommend it. There were alot of emotional issues addressed that we don't always hear about. So much of the surgery education we get is about the physical. It's my personal opinion that the surgery experience is really only about 10% physical and the waht you're eating stuff, the vast majority of it takes place in your head NOT your stomach. I hope they do one geared toward the men too.
I won't be taking this next class since she said it will be a repeat of the first, however Dr. Keenan did say she might plan a part 2, if that's the case I will be the first one signed up. You won't be sorry you took this time for yourself.

Hi Linda,
I am glad to hear you say it was a good class. I really wanted to take it the first time around but it wasn't convenient for me. I am looking forward to it! At 8 1/2 (nearly 9) months post-op, I feel I have the physical routine down OK -- you know the diet, exercise, etc. I've lost over 100 pounds and I feel healthier than ever! But I DO struggle with a bunch of emotional issues like the fear of regain, thinking of foods I shouldn't eat (or I think I shouldn't eat) and fighting temptation...stuff like that...I know that there are things I make "too much" of because I worry so I think this will be "right on" for me!
Thanks for sharing!
It would be great to see you there if you could make it. You and I had our surgery only days apart! Here are the details and if you have any other questions I would call PMRI at 302-661-3000:
"Woman to Woman after Weight Loss Surgery"
Saturday June 11
9am to 12 noon
Class held at PMRI
Cost: $55.00
Hope to see you, and any others who are interested...the women who took it already (back in March) said it was excellent!
KIT :>)