Hello All
My name is Lorraine and I'm hoping you can help my husband and I.
We've been discussing it and although I'm scared for Brian to have it, he wants the surgery. Our dilema is we have only been in the area a year and aren't too familiar with doctors, etc.
So I'm turning to you all to please help us. Do you all have any suggestions for doctors or hospitals that we should see or avoid for that matter. I keep seeing the commercial for barix clinics but just don't know.
Brian is the love of my life. I would be lost without him but I also know that if he continues on the path that he's on, I will be without him. He's tried every diet and exercise program but like most, he looses the weight, but when he puts it back on, his weight goes up.
He now snores and has sleep apnia (spelling
). We have a 7 1/2 month old and he gets out of breath just playing with him. He needs help.
I know according to the packet that his company gave him when we first got insurance, they cover the cost, which is a God send. Plus his company will give him time off for it. However, we haven't found a lot of doctors who take our insurance here, United Healthcare. From stories I've heard, I know we're lucky on that home front.
So on that note, any help that anyone can give us would be greatly appreciated. Please post here or email me at [email protected].
Lorraine M.

Hi Lorraine,
Welcome to you and Brian to the Delaware board! I can only speak from my personal experience, I used CHRIAS...that is Dr's Irgau, Wynn and Peters in Christiana. My main surgeon was Dr. Irgau ( altho at the time, they did surgeries together so Dr. Wynn was there too ) and let me tell you, I can NOT say enough good things about him and their practice. I had my surgery done lap 1 year ago March 23. I am now down right around 119 - 120 I'm teetering a bit between the two. My type 2 diabetes that I have struggled with for years is gone for now, I realize it could come back in the future, but for now I am med free and in the normal range. I'm off 2 blood pressure pills, and no longer have sleep problems. In short, they gave me a brand new life when I had this done. I really only have one regret, and that is that it wasn't available to me sooner when my kids were small, I missed so much.
It is a scary path to take for sure, lots of things to consider, but if and when you're ready, it can give you a whole new lease on life. To sum it all up:
1 year ago I was 309 pounds and could barely function....yesterday I went and played tennis for an hour with my 13 year old son and could actually run on the court. Keep asking questions and the best of luck to both of you in whatever you decide!

Dr. Wynn and Dr. Irgau!!! for sure! I wouldn't have any other doctors in the world...not even ones that do surgeries on the famous actresses! They are the best! VERY experienced and know their stuff! They have vast experience in laproscopic which is less evasive. I wish you all the best on your journeys! Look them up on here they have a site located here...
is the link or just look to the left here on the side and click on the link under other message boards that states Dr. Wynns patient forum...if it shows for you! Best of luck!
Elizabeth M

Welcome to Delaware! I agree with the other postings. CHRIAS--here is the web site All of the Doctors are awesome and they still have two surgeons that perform each operation. What's more amazing is that the national average for fatality with this surgery is 1 in 200. However the Institute has performed about 900 surgeries to date with only one fatality. I had my surgery on Feb. 23, 2005 and have lost 50lbs in seven weeks. I had some minor complications but for me this was the best choice. It certainly wouldn't hurt to get a consultation, if you've tried all other resources. The surgery shouldn't be your first choice for weight loss. Please feel free to ask any questions you want both here at or at the doctors office. All three doctors have cared for me, either in the office or hospital and they are all straight forward and honest.
Wishing you all the best.
Towanda T.
Welcome Lorraine,
You sure came to the right place! Dr. Wynn and Dr. Iragau were my surgeons as well. They are the best in this area and you will understand that as soon as you meet with them the first time. The staff was wonderful and really easy to work with. They do have a pretty detailed pre-surgery clearance process and they require attendance in a lifeskills class which runs 6 weeks. All of the preparation gave me a feeling of security and peace when the surgery day rolled around. Had my surgery on 4/11. Feel great and happy to be on the losing side!
Please feel free to email me if you have any additional questions.
Hi Lorraine! I had my surgery done at the Barix Clinics in Langhorne PA last January and could not be happier. The staff is compotent and caring and the facilities are designed with us in mind. My surgeon, Dr. Brader, was the person who helped me finally decide that this surgery was for me. Not because he sold a program, but because he was not afraid to answer any of my questions and is very confident in his abilities.
You need to interview any doctor you go to. Ask the hard questions, heave they had any mortalities, what are the complications, etc.
Above all you need to choose a surgeon who both you and your husband trust and are comfortable with. The person you choose will be your advisor for the rest of your life.
Here is a link to their website,
Please feel free to contact me with any questions. I have seen both what Barix did for me and the results that CHIRAS gets.
Welcome to Delaware and to this message board. I am in the process of getting all my clearances for surgery in June. My doctor is Dr. Irgau and I can only echo the other postings you have already read. My family and I have been very impressed with Dr. Irgau and his staff. They are very through and really get you prepared for what is ahead. The classes and doctors you have to see before the surgery are numerous but well worth it. I like knowing that I have been checked from head to toe and they are performing this surgery with as much knowledge about me as possible. It is a scarey step to take, but from all that I have read on this site and others, it will be well worth it. I suggest you make an appointment with somebody from the team and go in with all your questions in hand. You do not have to make a decision right away. Do your research, talk to others who have and have not been successful and educate yourselves as much as possible. This site is an excellent first step. Good luck in whatever you deceide and feel free to e-mail me if you would like to talk some more. Ellen
I also used CHRIAS. Dr. Peters Jr. is my surgeon and he is awesome. They still team up on surgeries and Drs Peters and Irgau did my surgery. And while in the hospital I saw all 3 of them. They are caring and compassionate and their approach is conservative. They require you to go through lifeskills classes (with a nutricianist, psychologist and excercise physiologist. They also require clearances from a cardiologist, pulmonologist, psychologist and endocronoligist. This is an approach which at first I felt was just slowing me down... then I begin to really appreciate the fact that they wanted to know all of these things before hand to ensure there were no surprises coming at them during surgery. I am thankful they take this approach. I've had 6 sugeries in as many years and trust me, not all do this and after this experience I wouldn't go to anyone in the future who doesn't take this approach.
If you can't find CHRIAS or the individual surgeons in your insurance book a quick phone call to CHRIAS can answer the question as to whether or not they accept ya'lls insurance.
Best wishes to both you and Brian,
I can only ditto all the responses above! Dr. Wynn is the BEST! I feel as though I am the poster child in DE for the gastric bypass. I had many problems in the beginning but would do the surgery again in a hearbeat! Please read my profile and you will find links to the News Journal Article about a year ago and another link for another article I was in. I've just recently been asked by ObesityHelp magazine for do a article for their June issue. Please feel free to contact me and I will be more than glad to help you and your family out in anyway possible. I also have monthly support group meetings at my house.
Best wishes in your journey!
Ginger Barkley