I had to do the lovenox shots. I hated it but it wasnt that bad. It was a cinch at first and didnt hurt at all really. But then I just started not liking it too much and it started to burn me pretty bad towards the end. The needle was ok but the stuff burned like acid ... but that was MUCH later when I was about finished. I think my body just didnt like it any longer. But dont fear its not a big deal at all.
You'll be fine! It definitely gives you a peace of mind that it helps prevent blood clots which is big risk for wls patients. Best wishes to you!!!
Elizabeth M

I had to take the Lovenox too and it started to burn me after a week or so, but it only burns (on the inside like a burning feeling) for a few seconds. It helps if you get up and walk around immediately after you get the shot. I had my husband give me 90 percent of mine -- the few times I had to give it to myself, I was a chicken and almost cried -- but I did it. The thought of going back to the hospital with blood clots scared me more than the shots did. I am almost three months out now and that first month seemed to FLY by!! You are going to do great -- and yes, make Jenn give the shots. It will be much easier on you, believe me!!
Good luck! You are going to love being on the losing side!