Hello everyone.
Ok, May 12th cannot get here sooner. That is the day of my first appt. with Dr. Irgau and I am very excited. I am obsessed with the fact that I am finally getting the ball rolling. The prospect of having this surgery has consumed me. I realize May 12th is just the beginning of months filled with classes and appointments and clearances.
The one question I have that absolutely cannot wait until May 12th is...How soon after the initial consult do most people have their surgery. I have seen anywhere from 3 months to 9 months.
I know it is different for everyone but is there an Average?
By the way, I'm so glad I found you all. This board has been very encouraging and everyone is so supportive.

T T.
on 4/16/05 7:23 am
on 4/16/05 7:23 am
Welcome Stacey and congrats on your upcoming consult with Dr I. He was my doc and I stand in awe of the wonderful job he did. He is truly an excellent surgeon!!!
About the time frame question ... I had my surgery so long ago now, that everything is different, so I can't really give you an educated guess on how long the process is taking these days. Hopefully someone else will come along soon with an answer for you on this one. But I can assure you that whatever amount of time it is ... it will likely go slow slow slow, then all the sudden, fly by far too fast. Hang in there and use this time to research and learn as much as you can, also read tons and tons of profiles to get a good indication of all the ups and downs in the upcoming months before and after surgery. It also helps down the road if you start journaling now, to be able to look back in the months ahead. You will have so much going on, so many changes that it can be hard to remember it all and the emotions associated.
How exciting to just be starting your journey. I wish you the very best!
Hi Stacey,
Welcome to this exciting journey. My initial consultation with Dr. Wynn was on February 4 and my surgery was April 11. I waited a lot longer for the initial consultation. It was over 4 months. Some things that made things go fast for me...I had my own gastroenterologist and cardiologist. I understand those recommended by the surgeon's office have longer waits. I made all of my appointments while sitting in the parking lot outside the surgeon's office and asked to be put on a cancellation list for earlier appointments. I was moved up in two cases. I called PMRI with my credit card in hand because I wanted to get into the next available class. I went on my insurance company's website and downloaded the policy bulletins and made sure I had a clear understanding of what would be required. When I met with my PCP I got a copy of 5 years of notes whi*****luded my weight and height as well as any attempts at weight loss. I updated Misty at Dr. Wynn's office of my progress and she was wonderful about returning my calls and letting me know if she needed anything from me. I think this part was key because she had a timely idea of how I was progressing through the clearances and called me with a date when I was done with those but not quite through PMRI. I realize everyone is different but I can say if you are flexible with the Dr's offices you will have a better chance of getting everything done quicker. Please feel free to email me if you have additional questions.
WOW...thank you all for the response. I know there are things that I can do to speed up this process. I have a sleep study this month and possibly a stress test. Atleast these things will be completed before my initial consult with Dr. I. By the way, I was a bit surprised with how soon I got my appt. with him. I called them the first week of April and got the May 12th appt. Maybe I should call back and make sure it is not for NEXT year. LOL.
Thanks again for the help...you guys are great!!!