Any news on Dianne?
T T.
on 4/16/05 7:14 am
on 4/16/05 7:14 am
I spoke with her a couple of times and while she is not 100%, she is doing much better. The problem was very serious, but was not WLS related. The last time we spoke was before I headed out for my weekend trip on Friday, she was expecting to be released from the hospital today (Saturday). I don't think she would mind a call (at least I am really hoping that since I called her twice - couldn't help it, the mother hen kicked into high gear!)
BTW - I just bought a pair of low rise jeans - get this, with a belt and get this - the belt fit - get this - ME ME ME!!! I don't ever remember wearing a belt since I was in my early teens, cause they would never, ever fit!!! I was pretty excited when I tried them on and realized that they were low rise. The last time I tried on low rise, they would not even begin to work because of the belly issues. So had I realized they were low rise, I would not have even tried. But I did, and they did, fit that is! And while I was standing in the dressing room admiring my new blue jeans, I thought of you Linda, and your post on low rise jeans!!! I also bought a pair of pink, yep pink ones!!! Funny, while I was shopping (Super WalMart) a lady came up to me and asked me if I wanted to apply for a credit card ... truly I laughed in the poor girls face. As I tried to redeem myself, I explained that a WalMart Credit card would get me into BIG TIME TROUBLE. I share this to forewarn you ... beware of the ladies carrying the clipboards around WalMart!!!
Did you make it to the meeting today??? I really wanted to make it but was in Northern PA. Would love a recap if you feel up to it.
Have a great day!
aka Tammy