Yooo hooo, Oh diiimples...
I went to the diner Sunday morning and had breakfast with my niece. The creepy guy asked how you and Carla are and says he misssssessssss youuuuuuuuu. Ok, so that didn't REALLY happen...but it coulda! Oh and Walmart is starting to look rather...Walmartish! In a construction site sorta way.
Hope your doing well!

T T.
on 4/13/05 10:05 am
on 4/13/05 10:05 am

Ok, yes, I hear ya on the dimples. I have them in places I didn't think could be dimplified!
I also have to see the doc to find out what mysterious disease has lowered my butt
Clothes hide a multitude of sins huh!
I stopped in the new Super in Aberdeen about 2 weeks ago but it wasn't open yet. I heard an ad on WXCY giving a price for soda on sale yesterday so I'm thinking it's open now. My sister is in a nursing home in Belcamp just a few miles from there, I might stop this weekend if I go down. I don't know if the one in NE is going to be a super, I haven't heard, if it is I bet Food Lion is royally PO'd because that will put supers in front of 2 of their stores! Bad for them but good for me as I'm really looking forward to parking my car ONCE and getting everything in one trip. Hmm...I've never bought tires and underwear in the same place before

OK....i just had to get in on this here dimplified convo... and what the heck did i miss at the diner, anyway?!?
see, that's what i get for being ingognito.
so, i hear that i MYSELF may be able to buy tires and panties at the same place in about a year. new super walmart going up in my lil 'ol town. whoo-hoo. so, THERE.
i can get in on the fun too, ya know.
now where do i get one of them smitten diner guys????
hope to see u guys saturday!!
-karen (with many, uh, dimples)

T T.
on 4/16/05 7:36 am
on 4/16/05 7:36 am
If I were you, I would be really careful getting into the dimples ... I keep thinking that it may be a plot, an abyss if you will, that I may fall into and never, ever get out of!!!
Now about the little story of the diner ... ummm that one may be better shared in person or on the phone ... as it is quite a quite steamy little story!!!
*sorry Linda* Let's just say, there were some high emotions, and lots of glances and the tension ... ummmmm, well it was thick! Suffice it to say, the guy had it BAD for Linda!!! We finally had to leave, after he made a scene!!! I was pretty sure it was love at first site, but from what I am hearing, perhaps Linda has been hanging out there more than I realized!!!
I, on the other hand was completely innocent in the whole ordeal!!!
At any rate, if you are interested in your own personal smitten guy, I suggest you give Linda a call, and she can give you the scoop. It seemed to me that her friend had lots of friends who appeared as if they were looking for a little gal to be smitten with also!!!
Good to see you posting!!! Hope all is well in your neck of the woods!!! Oh and YEAH on the Wally World!!! If you need a fix before then, come on down, and we can peruse my local hangout!!!
Love ya Chickie!!!