Hello My Delaware Friends,
I'm really excited about attending my first support meeting down there on Saturday.
I'm also looking forward to meeting you guys who have made a special effort in welcoming me to the DE Message Boards. As many of you know I'm planing to relocate down there early next year and so therefore I'd like to get my support network started down there as well, since I really don't know much about DE.
I have to say that one of my dearest and bestest friend's Valerie from Newark, DE has been the greatest in terms of giving me her unending support and is always there whenever I need her. I love her dearly and I couldn't do this without all of her support. Love Ya Bunches Val
Well, I hope to meet as many of you as possible of Saturday, until then Best Wishes to all of you on your weight loss journey!!!!
Preop Weight- 386lbs
Postop Weight Currently - 204lbs
Goal Weight: 170lbs???

My Dear, you are most definitely as good a person as we make you out to're the BEST!!!! No matter what's going on, you always make yourself available to be of help in anyway you can...and that means so much to me and I'm sure many others here on the boards. Be modest if you must, but you know I'm always going to put you up high anyways!!!

Hi Ellen,
This will be my first meeting down in DE and so of course I don't know anyone except for my friend Valerie. I'll be with her at the meeting, so if you know Val, it won't be too hard to spot me and I'll probably be wearing a big smile.
So you just come say hello to me and I'll take care of the rest, ok. See ya Saturday...