The 48 hour countdown begins!
I am scheduled for first up on Monday with Dr. Wynn. It has been quite an adventure for me. I had two EDG's with an Ulcer and biopsies in the first and biopsies in the second, all negative than goodness. I was walking into the hospital on Monday to have my pre-surgery blood test taken and I fell down in the parking lot and broke my left foot. Much pain and crying later I insisted that they take my blood before the escorted me to the emergency room to have my foot looked at. I am sure you can all relate to that! I was not going anywhere until I finished what I came for. Luckily it was a hairline fracture in a small bone in the bottom of my foot and by today(Friday) I am walking without crutches and without a cast or boot.
I had one full day of agonizing about whether to call Dr. Wynn's office and tell them and I finally decided that it was the only right thing to do. Hard call to make. I was afraid she would want to postpone. Thankfully the orthepedist said that it would not stop me from walking and he was sure I could get up as needed immediately after the surgery and walk the halls. And that has proved to be true.
I was hoping that anyone who had a minute would share the top one or two things they did well or the mistakes they made in the first couple of weeks after the surgery. Want to make a list of things to put on the refrigerator as reminders. There is always those little things that experience teaches that books do not and I was hoping you would all share with me.
Please keep me in your prayers on Monday as you start your day.
Best to all, Penny
Hi Penny,
Your day is just around the corner! That is great!!
Let's see, I'm 10 days out.
Good things I've did before surgery:
I bought a 7 day pill holder with 4 slots per day and got my vitamins sorted by morning, noon and evening ahead of time.
I took the time to make some pureed dishes and freeze them in ice trays and package in freezer so I wouldn't have to do that my first few days home.
I bought and brought neosporin lip ointment to the hospital with me. I had chapstick too. But I must be honest. The chapstick felt a bit dry and waxie and the neosporin was wet and moist. It was awesome to have.
I also realized before the surgery that even though I may be off work, I would have a new job. About 12 hours of focusing on getting liquid and nutrients into this ol body. It is a full time job at first and will be that way until you can get into a routine.
Good things after the surgery:
1.Took on the full time job of making sure I stay hydrated
2. Make an effort to get in as much protein as possible, with all the supplements available this is not too hard to do.
3.Take my vitamins like clockwork
4. Not only make sure I get proper rest but
5. Make sure I do some walking every day
Bad thing after sugery:
1. I did not listen to my pouch.
I questioned the portions of the menus we had to create at PMRI. I was told not to worry about it, all would work out (whatever that meant). Those first couple of days home my pouch, I think, was still sleeping. When it finally woke up I realized those portions were way too much! And were causing me discomfort.
So listen to that pouch. It has a different language than your stomach does. Take the time to listen and learn the language of your pouch.
Now out at 10 days I've settled into a comfortable routine.
And I can't wait for the new routine of solid foods
Best wishes to you!

Thank you Gigee, This is exactly what I was hoping for. I just started the list for the drug store for Sunday. I am going to put all of the reminders on a list on the refrigerator and on my bedroom mirror just to jog my memory in the coming weeks. I am sure everyone is different but I know the feedback I get here will really help sort things out in the coming weeks. Thanks again for the help. See you at the next meeting I can make it to.
Hi Penny,
The time has finally come, you're gonna be just fine. Take a breath and relax your mind and body! Oh and I found during the clear liquid phase that it tasted MUCH better to prepare real soup and strain out any meat and veggies instead of plain canned broth. Thank Tammy for that little gem!