trying to keep my head up
It has taken me a couple of days to be able to sign on to this site
because I was so upset. My surgery was scheduled for 9 a.m. on 4/5/05. But due to a problem with sleep apnea and having to do the sleep study again, surgery for me was cancelled. Wouldn't you know it the sleep study isn't scheduled until 5/3 so who knows when I will have the surgery. I was so sad and depressed I cried on my surgery date, but I keep hearing everything happens for a reason. In the mean time I signed up at PMRI for there exercise program. Hopefully I will be able to shed a few more pounds before surgery. The doctor said the more I lose before surgery the better surgery is supposed to go. So I will keep reading profiles and the message board because it is always so inspiring and all of you on here are great. I don't leave messages that often but I always get such positive feedback when I do.

I'm sorry your surgery had to be canceled. Sleep Apnea is a debilitating and serious condition, which if untreated can cause significant complications with your surgery. Hang in there, the medical team is trying to do what's best for you.
I don't know where you're going for your sleep studies, but I went to Union Hospital in Elkton, MD, because the Christiana Sleep Center had a 2 month wait. I was able to get into Union the next week. You might want to try that.
Good luck, and keep us posted.
Mary, I am so sorry to hear of your delay. I can only imagine what you must be feeling. I also had two sleep studies done at Union Hospital and if you are willing to be flexible they can get you in quickly. Both of mine were scheduled within a week of my calling. Give it a try. You can also ask to be put on a cancellation list. I hope that you can take advantage of this alternative and get things moved up. Sending good vibes your way.........
Mary, I am glad they found your problem with sleep apnea and are working towards helping you in that area. This will do you good and it's good to know before you walk into surgery!
As for delays, it is just that. I had a few myself. Stay upbeat and keep looking forward. Your day will come and it will come in it's perfect time.
And congrats for starting your excercise program now. You are just one step ahead
Let me know if I can do anything or if you would just like to talk.

Hi Mary!
I know that you're disappointed but God has a plan. I voluntarily postponed my surgery last year. It was supposed to be done on October 26th but I postponed it to January 3rd of 2005. It was the best decision that I ever made.
I was stressed and scared and freaking out back in October. It would have been a mistake to have the surgery then. By January, I was calm, peaceful, rested and ready. I had a fantastic recovery and I'm down 70 pounds in 90 days.
Get you body ready. Get your mind ready. Trust that everything is happening according to God's plan. Remember to be grateful for the option to have the surgery. I know 2 people who need it but can't have it because of other medical conditions.
Good luck!