Help Please
T T.
on 4/4/05 12:48 pm
on 4/4/05 12:48 pm
I have someone close to me in need of a colorectal surgeon that practices at Christiana. I don't have a clue where to start ... anyone have any suggestions please? Recommendations from a friend is far better than the yellow pages. I know this is a sensitive subject, private email is welcome. Thanks so much guys!
BTW - everyone looked so good tonight at the meeting! It was also so nice to finally put physical in person faces with so many I feel I already "know" via the board. Keep up the good work guys!
I wish I could help with Dr. recommendations but I don't know anyone in Christiana. I still go to Phila for the surgery items. It was really great seeing and talking to you my twin! You look just like your picture! Okay maybe a bit better! Loved the pink top!!!! I thought it was a good meeting and I got alot out of it! Okay I will work on getting out of my comfort zone and get a new picture done. I just don't want to forget what I looked like before surgery. With that photo up it helps to keep me focused on the goal. It was nice to chat!
Hugs and Fleece Blankets
Thank you so much! I will take some photos this weekend....And of course I will need OH to post for me...never figured that out! I know there is a difference I just don't see it much....I know I haven't been looking at myself. Its nice when others see it! You looked good too! I couldn't remember your name but the face was familiar! I am so glad we met!
See you at the next meeting. And hopefully Gigee will be there in full costume! Right Gigee?
T T.
on 4/4/05 10:07 pm
on 4/4/05 10:07 pm
Hey GIRL!!!
I did not have a clue who you were!!! You look so very different from your picture! Keep up the GREAT work AND get out of that comfort zone and get a new updated picture or else no one else will know you chickie!!!
BTW - you can get a photo with the old photo insert to help you remember if you like. Also you can keep the old photo in your profile to refer back to as well. At any rate, obviously you are doing wonderful!!! So who am I to be giving you suggestions on your photo!!! You do what is working for you!!! Keep up the EXCELLENT work!
Thanks about the pink top ... I bought it on clearance (originally $40 on sale $5), but get this ... size SMALL!!! Who woulda thunk it???? I made Carla look at the tag (going down I-95 none the less) to verify that I was not absolutely loopy!!! *huge ornery giggle* She verified that the size was truly a small, AND that I am actually loopy!!!

I can't wait to get to the small size....that was such a pretty color pink! Now I really liked the idea of checking the tags as you are driving down I95.....LOL. I don't know about you!!!! I am so glad we got to meet! Everyone is so nice at that support group....It feels just like family! Okay maybe better than family! You keep up the good work...and stay way from those blasted peeps! I know you probably have a few stale ones around the house....
Take care my twin!
T T.
on 4/5/05 8:02 am
on 4/5/05 8:02 am