Monthly WLS-NDE Meeting
Monday April 4, 2005
7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
This event repeats on the first Monday of every month, until Friday December 9, 2005.
Event Location: Peniel United Methodist Church, Newport
Monday April 4, 2005
7:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Exercise and Metabolism
Hey Barb,
I was thinking of you just the other day....Well everything going well here sweetie....just taking one day @ a time
Other than that just working as usual and enjoying the weather....I finally caught up with Shelly yesterday and had a good visit with my gurl. No problem gurl I will lift you and your family up in prayer. Remember if you need anything or just need to talk I am here girlfriend
For now take care and keep in touch sweetie. Peace and Blessing