Tummy tuck questions
I have my18 mth check up in may and I was going to inquire about when I can get a TT. Does Dr Wynn have to give her okay and referral to get one and does she recomend a doctor who does that? Also does she make that call and aoppointment or do I ? I just need some info before I go to see Dr Wynn, opps I mean her fill in, I forget his name. I know I just had a pace maker put in but i'm not asking to geta tt till later on this year. I hope I still can get it, I'm in prefect health other that my heart mis firing which lead me to get this pace maker last week, any comes are welcome. I just keep on dreaming about a flat tummy! Its been over 30 years since I had one, LOL. I've lost 141 lbs since 12/03. Hope to lose more.
Thanks for listening.
If you are able to make it the topic for Bariatric Surgery Support Group is "Plastic surgery after weight loss" on Monday, May 2, from 7-8pm the cost is $5 and is presented by Julie MacRae, MD. There should be some very useful and insightful info given there. Best wishes and congrats on your weight loss.
Towanda T.