How Much I Missed My Coke and Pepsi.....
After going about 4 months without any soda Post Op I finally figured out a way to get the taste without the fizz.
I always have extra emtpy 20/16 oz. water bottles around, so I transfer about 1/3 of a cold soda into the MT container and give it about 4-6 good shakes relieving the pressure until all the fizz is gone. Sure, its flat but still tastes Great!!!
Anyone see a problem with this?

Hi Tom,
Nope, I don't see a problem with that at all. Enjoy your soda, but make sure you up your water ( or things that count as water ) to make up for any caffeine you may be don't want to short change yourself on fluids. I have heard that the phosphoporus in soda can inhibit calcium absorption to some extent, but once again, as long as you aren't using it for your primary fluid intake, enjoy yourself! I've only had a sip or 2 of soda since surgery, can't do it because I get MASSIVE gas
It impressed the heck out of my 13 year old
Moderation in all things is my motto. How have things been for you? Good I hope.