re: Angel Duties by Proxy
Aloha folks.
In less than 48 hrs, I'll be heading to Hawaii for vacation. I will be PC deprived for 34 days. That is unless I can find an Internet cafe or if the hotels have rentals. I need to find a co-Angel for Penny, whose surgery is on April 11th. This person needs to get the contact information and find out how Penny does in surgery and let the rest of the Delaware support group know, How she's doing. Also post the room number and the link to send in the clowns with the emails. I have had over 15 Angelette's and have enjoyed each and every one. I even had twins, a mother and daughter. It has given me great satisfaction to be able to encourage them and share with them. The pay is $0, but the perks and rewards are many. I will be doing what I can & following up from Hawaii. A simple post will do. Then you can email Penny directly, or exchange phone #'s so if she has any questions she'll be able to call you.

If no one else jumps in, you know I'm good for it! Just send me Penny's info and I'll contact her ahead of time!
Have a GREAT, fun, relaxing vacation!
Safe flying!
PS, my aunt said with the waters being shark infested, she was depressed and had not even THOUGHT about a tacky gift for me. how depressing!