Pouch Still Works

Hey Linda,
I know exactly what you mean...at times I have pushed my pouch to the limit and it said NO...NO...NO...SHAWNA, you can't do that!
Although there are some things I can eat alot more of now, basically I still eat very small portions of food. In fact, people are actually amazed when they see I can only eat about 1/2 of a basic lunchmeat sandwhich, 1/4 of a cheesesteak, or only a happy meal size cheeseburger, they feel by now I should be doing more since I'm 16 months out of surgery. But I truly believe if you follow the Surgeon's guidelings and eat the portions you're told from the begining of surgery, your pouch will truly work for you throughout the years to come. I'm actually happy I do still get sick when I eat too much, as you said it lets me know everything is still working...

Hi Linda, As a person who used to love to eat, cook and serve lots of food. I now know it is okay to throw away food. I still eat small portions and I suffer if I eat it too quickly. I pretty much cannot eat leftovers heated or cold. Monday I decided to munch on a piece of ham and a spoonfull of potatoe salad. EEWWWWWW. I had the old
& foaming incident like I did when I was a month out. I know I didn't eat too fast, it wasn't more than 1 small piece. Oh well, I gave most of my Easter dinner away. Next time I won't keep any for me at all. OUT it goes. Not complaining, just commiserating with you. Elissa

You poor baby! I have only gotten sick twice, but there are times, I just feel YUCKY for HOURS after I eat...I have lots of saliva (fortunately, I haven't had a real foaming incident...YET) and I'm miserable.
I feel so bad for you.
Hope you got back to basics for the rest of the day.
Keep smilin', girlfriend!