The big day has arrived!
Can I have a spot right in the middle of the bench so I can squish up between everyone? I have to tell you, right after I got the call yesterday afternoon that said officially said I was a go, I was nervous. I was nervous for quite a while. But once I was able to embrace that this was really going to happen I was ok. Things are good now
. yeah!
Chapstick is packed!

I'm hoping your blood test results are O.K., and the surgery will go on as planned. I'm wishing, for you, a speedy recovery. My thoughts, prayers, and well wishes will be with you tomorrow.
I didn't realize that you were moving. Is it out of state?? Hope all goes well with the move, also.

Everything turned out good! wohooo! I moved locally. Not the best of timing but something that had to be done
. I have a bed and a chair. My son hopefully will have everything else here by the time I get home lol. whew
Thank you so much for the prayers and well wishes. They are appreciated.

Hey there,
I sure am happy for you. I know you have had struggles. I am glad you got everything worked out in the end. Me, on the otherhand, had to cancel the whole deal due to gut issues (serious ones
I wish you well and you are prolly already having it as I am a day late and a dollar short!
Hope all goes swimmingly for you - that comment dates me - HA HA -
Anyhow, I will be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.