EDG update.............
Hi Everyone
Just wanted to let you know that I had my second EDG done today at Christiana Hosp. Had to have this one done because 6 weeks earlier they found that I had ulcers. I look like I've been thru a battle zone. They poked me 4 times trying to find a good spot for the IV. I bruise extremely easily.
Finally they had to call up the IV dept. She eventually found a good spot.
The test went well, and I'm assuming, since Dr Wynn didn't say anything, that the results were O.K. But I will call next week just to be sure. If all's good, then I will be looking at surgery on May 9th (which was the tenative date that Misty gave me)
Wish me luck....................Bonnie

. Try to remain focused and positive. Start getting everything ready for May. You'll need to get a little protein.(I stress a little cause sometimes what we like pre-surgery we don't like after surgery.) You'll need a chewable calcium and multi-vitamin. Also you will need B-12. You will need extra iron also if you are pre-menopausal. For the hospital all you'll need is chap stick. The gown and slppers are provided. Oh I did bring my own toothbrush, toothpaste, mouthwash and a comb. Some of the IV nurses are better than others. The admitting one didn't think she would find a spot but the other admitting nurse found one, thank goodness. My vein did become infaltrated on the 2nd day, so try not to scratch or rub it, made it worse. I had to keep warm compresses on my arm for a week. My arm actually hurt worse than my surgery incisions. LOL. I'll say an extra prayer for you. Dr. Wynn is wonderful. She'll get back to you and let you know what's what. We're saving you a spot on the looser's bench, so don't worry. ((HUGS)) Elissa

Thank you for all of your wonderful hints. You are truely an inspiration to all of us. I saw your post where you said you were at the last PMRI meeting. I am sorry that I didn't get a chance to meet you in person. But, I'm sure that there will come a time when we "MEET"
Was wondering if you know of a web site where I can order a variety of samples of diff. proteins
I'm off this coming Monday so I will call Dr Wynns office to find out what happend during the EDG.
Thanks, again......................Bonnie

Bonnie, I only use 2 different protein mixes. I'm lucky I found 2 that I liked right away.
1st is strawberry Isopure powder that I mix with carb countdown skim milk. 1 scoop is 25 grams of protein plus 16 grams for 16 oz of the milk. I'll get you a sample so you can try it 1st. Comes in a very large container from the Vitamine shoppe.
2nd is Unflavored Unjury in crystal light orange & red grapefruit. 20 grams of protein in a scoop. I drink 2 of these a day and 1 of the strawberry Isopure smoothies with fruit. This counts as 3 of the 6 meals for me. It is about 80 grams of protein not to mention the liquids I''m getting in. I also try to get in 4 or 5 bottles of water. It takes awhile to build up to this. But it has worked for me. Remind me to bring the Isopure to the next meeting for you. Elissa