Medical ID Bracelets
Hi Joni,
I just changed mine a few weeks ago to include the newest guidelines ( doctors office recommendations )
Mine reads:
Gastric Bypass 3/04
No NG Tubes
No NSAIDS/ Aspirin
No Sugar
Dr. Irgau 305-892-9900
I got my original bracelet from, then ordered a second when they had a sale with the new tag info. I'm currently wearing my new favorite, a bracelet made my Susane who does lovely work!

Thank you for the info on the bracelet. i will now have to add to mine that i have a pace maker in my chest, hope there will be room. my heart miss fired last sunday morning and to keep it regular and from keeping me from passing out, i need it. what a bummer. im only 47 yrs old. well, at least i lost 5 more lbs while i was in kent general hospital.
LOL its so hard to type with one arm, i have to keep my left arm in a sling for 4 weeks to allow my wires to connect secure in my heart and to boot, i'm left handed,, oh boy,take care, tell sam for me, okay. thanks! I enjoy reading your post,