A Whole Year!
It's so hard to believe that just one year ago I was on the cusp of a new life. It has been a fast and furious ride filled with all kinds of twists and turns, some of which I didn't expect.
I have made some great accomplishments coupled with some even greater friends along the way, and I can't tell you how much that has meant to me, and how much you have all helped me during the first year of the journey. I wouldn't have been nearly as sucessful as I've been without the support of all of you.
It's a new life for me 118 pounds lighter. My blood work is all good, my health has improved by leaps and bounds. Diabetes is no longer a daily issue in my life...for now anyway. I'm very realistic about the gift that I've been given, bottom line is that it's all up to me how I use it. In the end it really does come down to what you put in your mouth and how often you get off your butt to exercise. I can stand some improvement in the exercise area, but once again, I have terrific inspiration from those who have discovered the joy of adding it to their lives on a regular basis. You all are terrific role models and I continue to gain inspiration from watching you.
To all the newbies in the process I have one word of advice. Make the absolute MOST of each stage you're in, you can't know how important this is until you get there. Each stage really is like a critical part of the overall puzzle and if you blow things off in a particular area, you will find a gaping hole at the end of the picture that doesn't make alot of sense.
All the appointments in the beginning may seem a pain to complete when you're anxious to get the ball rolling, the puree stage may seem tiresome at times, getting in your protein and water in the beginning may be a challenge. Just remember, each of these stages teaches you things that will serve you well in the long run, keep the focus and know that "This too shall pass" and you will be just fine.
As for me, today I step off the path into unknown territory of year 2 and beyond. I have my cheese sticks, vitamins and water bottle for the trip,not to mention some great friends and wonderful doctors to help light the darkness of the new path. Here's to all our continued success!

Congrats Linda. Thanks for talking about the different stages, because I am in that first stage of pureed food and trying to get in water and protein. It's been really hard for me. Your advise will be well taken and even though I don't feel my best today, I am going to make an effort to get some exercise in. Best wishes as your start year 2!
Towanda T.
It seems like its been a year since your surgery. Oh yeah, it has been. You have done great. You have been particularly inspiring with sharing your journey, your insights, and your perspective.
As you know now, the first year is not a piece of cake, but it sure does give you an opportunity for a whole lot of introspection. I'm honored to share this journey with you. And just think at least this year we can walk down that path side-by-side (probably couldn't do that last year at this time). Keep spreading that wisdom!
Your bud Rob 

Dear Linda.
What can I say. You have been such a positive force in my life and the Delaware boards are lucky that you decided to hang with us. We met in November of 2003, if my memory is correct. I think Sam was with you the 1st visit to PMRI? You are doing soooo great and I applaud you. It has meant a lot to me to be able to call you my friend. I know after I bounced things around with you & Tina they made more sense. So here's to the 1st year,
may there be many many more.
Keep on being an inspiration for the newbies. They need all the encouragement that we did when we were new.
Glad I went to the class on Saturday and glad we had a great bunch of ladies with us. One more thing we all have in common. It was good for me to see how far I've come. We still have the rest of our lives ahead of us. It will be easier knowing that we have such a good support system.
So year #2, look out, the best is yet to come. Who know's where we'll all be when year #3 rolls around. I know someone who still wants pink leather pants. I'll be happy just traveling all over. I'd really like to plan a trip for us to go on. Maybe in the fall???? Vegas anyone???