Weighing myself
Well since I joined the gym I have not been weighed except by them. There scale does not really count in my eyes, because I like to go by one scale. Well I took a ride to Dr. Peters office, and from my first weigh in I have dropped 40.8 pounds. I have tons of energy, so I know that is a big difference. We were watching a home video last night and my husband was saying I look so different a year ago to today. Although (I said I can't really tell...lol)
Just thought I would share my news with everyone, because I am excited and who else better to share it with than family. Also, how we all hate to tell our weight I have 29 more pounds to go before I hit under 300, This is also exciting for me.
8 weeks post op

I am so happy for you. I am just at 4 wks coming up. When did you start to feel energy because I am still feeling the crunch? I know I still need to get in more water and protein, but I haven't had a series of good days yet. Will it ever come?
Chris, I remember you from class and I am so proud of you. Keep up the good work. Let me know if you can think of anyway, I can get in the groove. I know all good things happen in time.
Towanda T.
Way to go
I am so happy for you!! It is great when hubby is excited about your weight loss. Everytime we go somewhere my hubby will say...... doesn't my wife look good. It gets a little much sometimes, but I would much rather him be proud of me.
So agaim, I am happy for you, fasten your seatbelt because your are in for an exciting ride on this weight loss journey.
Take care

T T.
on 3/22/05 8:31 pm
on 3/22/05 8:31 pm
Congratulations!!! Losing 40.8 pounds is wonderful! What you said about telling our weight. Until my marriage I never shared my weight with anyone. I finally shared with him when I was pregnant and had to watch it closely. I was humiliated to see that scale rise to 303 and yet it didn't seem to bother him. Not sure what my thinking was at the time ... if I don't tell em, they won't figure out that I am fat??? ha ha Anyway, it was so freeing for me to finally share my little "secret" with someone, and is part of the reason that I was able to come to terms with the fact that I truly had a problem and needed to get it under control.
When I came to OH, again I was a bit nervous about sharing such embarrassing information, but bit the bullet and shouted it from the rooftops ... and not one single person said ... WOW, you weight HOW much??? Again, that is part of the reason, I LOVE my friends here, truly they know and understand exactly what I am going through and are not standing in judgment of me. Simply just loving me and that includes sometimes loving me enough to give me a swift slap back into reality when needed (read PEEPS here). I appreciate that.
Anyway, again, congrats ... and keep up the good work! Oh and hang onto the hubby of yours ... sure sounds like a keeper!!!
As for you seeing it, take pictures and compare your post pics with your pre pics .. that is the way I can see it best, perhaps it will work for you as well.

Hi Christie,
. Good job on the loss. 40 lbs in less than 3 months. Awesome. How's the protein and water going? You are doing great.
Now a quick question. What have you gained? Sounds like energy and admiration from your hubby. You gotta notice how loose your clothes are getting. How about rings on your fingers and having ankles. Do you have ankles now? Don't be shy, shout it from the roof top girl. You'll be under the 3's in a short time and going down is sooooo exciting and humbling at the same time. Try to stay focused and positive and start on all those good habits that will keep you on the straight and narrow looser's path.
Try not to see if you can tolerate sugar either. Stay away from the Easter candy. It is evil. I missed you Saturday. Catch you next time. ((HUGS)) Elissa