Need Information
My cousin would like to have WLS surgery but is unable to do so because he weighs over 550 lbs. His family doctor said that the hosptals in Delaware could not handle anyone over 450 lbs. He said that they used to do this at the hospital in Salisbury but because of a law suit are no longer performing this operation. Any ideas? He is on Medicaid.
T T.
on 3/21/05 11:44 pm
on 3/21/05 11:44 pm
Have you checked with the doc in Havre de Grace MD? I am pretty certain he handles Medicaid, but not sure if he has a size limit. Check out this article that our very own Diane wrote about him. (www.)
If he is willing to travel for his surgery, I know many others who have been larger and have had the surgery. Might want to check on the main message board for some of those docs names if you can not find a local doc.
Sure hope you find someone soon. I will keep my eyes and ears open.
Hello. I am Melissa, and I am the Program Assistant for Dr. Roy T. Smoot, Jr., Medical Director of New Course.. for Life, the Upper Chesapeake Bariatric Surgical Program.
Dr. Smoot used to perform the surgery @ Nanticoke Hospital, in Seaford, DE. He is now located in Havre de Grace, MD, and we do participate in Delaware Medicaid.
Dr. Smoot could do surgery on your cousin, but because of the limitations on the Operating Room table, he would need to lose weight, to be under 500 pounds before surgery.
If your cousin is interested, he should call our office at (443) 843 - 6360.
Good Luck, and I hope this helps...