Peeps Anonymous
T T.
on 3/21/05 9:29 pm
on 3/21/05 9:29 pm
Did someone say PEEPS??? *mouth salivating*
Okay, I admit it, I am a PEEP addict and need help. Thoughts of stale peeps run rampant through my head, each and every spring. Someone please, save me from this marshmallow abyss!!!
The icing on the cake (no pun intended) here is ... guess who was put in charge of the Easter Egg hunt this year? Yep, that's right ... the ONLY person within miles who has had surgery to reduce her weight and should remain sugar (peep) free!!! All that candy (including MOUNTAINS of Peeps - blue ones, pink ones, yellow ones my oh my ... *mind wandering once again*) *snapping back to reality* Ummmm ... anyway, they were sitting so innocently in front of me. Was I strong??? Did I resist??? Not exactly ... I took a couple hits of the jelly beans and the sugar rush was an incredible ride, but was able to resist my true crack (peeps). Not sure how long I can hold out though! All "bazillion" of the filled eggs are currently on my dining room table and strewn around my entire house, including an extra "box" of mixed candy (no peeps left - at the very least I had that much sense about me). Who would miss 1 or 2 or even perhaps 2 dozen??? Someone, quick, slap some sense into me!!! My mind is not thinking right now, my taste buds are ruling the roost around here. HELP!!!
*Hanging head in utter shame* Oh sigh ...
aka Peep addict
Tammy, you have been officially slapped. I'm a Reese's egg addict. I cannot even see a box in the store or I'll succumb. Sooooooo no stores for me until it's all gone. OMG jelly beans too. I love it all. I got empty plastic eggs for the grandkids and am gonna put money inside. I know their parents will get them all kinds of peeps and chocolate and stuff that I can't stand to be around. I know my will power is gonna be tested this year. I'm a little weaker too. But I encourage you so you need to keep me on the straight and narrow path.
Hey, you are our mystery woman. Haven't seen you in 6 months at least. If I pass you on the street, please let me know it was you. I doubt if I'd recognize you on my own. Can't wait to see you dear. Many hugs. Try to make the May meeting's so we can at least have a little fellowship.
Your fellow addict in Easter candy.

T T.
on 3/22/05 9:20 pm
on 3/22/05 9:20 pm
OUCH WOMAN!!! What a punch you pack!!! GEESH, you would think you had been working out at the gym or something!!! *grin*
6 months??? I was at the November meeting (had to call Carla to ask *grin*) Anyway, no mystery here ... look the same ... round fat face (will have that no matter how much weight I lose - I have had it since I was born - oh sigh) and the same fat belly ... will have that until I get brave enough to let em do something about it, no amount of exercise is going to take it clear down (per my trainer). I just slump around in huge t-shirts to try to hide it as much as possible. Again, that mentality, if I don't "show" them, maybe they won't notice that I am fat??? What a mood today ... Hubby keeps trying to get me to wear clothes that fit, he says they look better, I am dealing with some pretty serious body image issues (tummy) and simply feel better about tenting it than clothing it. Sure wish I could see my loss right now ... but it is getting harder instead of easier ... I feel like I am the only one NOT moving. Oh well, enough headaches for the physc folks for one day!!!
Anyway, we can and will get through all of this, sugar weakness, body image issues included. Elissa, you have done awesome ... we will not allow a momentary rush of sugar to slow your momentum.

You'll be fine. Just go back and read your profile page. You did not do all this hard work to let a peep defeat you. Everytime you think you may want a peep, quick get to a keyboard and help one of us. I am almost four weeks out and need to find out how I can get more water and protein in. Helping others will keep you so busy, you won't have time to think Peep.
Thanks for keeping us informed.
Towanda T.

T T.
on 3/22/05 9:19 pm
on 3/22/05 9:19 pm
Okay Towanda ... good advice that I took to heart (as you can probably tell by my "chatty" self this fine morning). Thank you!
Now about your wather/protein problem ... I had trouble at 4 weeks out also. What is going on??? How much are you able to get in? What does your day look like, in terms of protein and water?
Don't worry Tammy, last week was our church's easter egg hunt I promised my friend who doesn't drive, that I would pick her and her baby up and take her to a easter egg hunt because we missed last saturday's I had to work. I saw the sign for your easter egg hunt and told her I would take her to that one. Sooooooo I will be counting the peeps, and making sure they are all there, no teeth marks in any!!!!!
Sunday after church I decided to go shopping for easter candy that I buy for my teen class I teach, on sunday mornings, well as I was driving home the bag of hershey kisses was calling my name, so at a red light I tried to open them just to have one, of course. But I think a higher force was with me, I could not open the bag, I tried at every red light, and by the time I got home I just gave up and decided I better take that as a sign.
See ya saturday, Dana
T T.
on 3/22/05 9:21 pm
on 3/22/05 9:21 pm
Well, I sure didn't expect someone to be coming out and REALLY checking on me ... What an incentive to be good and stay peep-free!!!
So looking forward to seeing you Saturday!!! Be sure to say hello to me, cause I may not even recoginze you now with your tremedous weight loss since I last seen you!!! I look the same ... and act the same ... ~goofy~ you will be able to spot me easily!~!!
Oh...if we're admitting to our addictions...should I EVEN admit to what I just finished chewing and swallowing? OMG! Sorry, had to stop and swig lots of water (you know, then I can pretend it doesn't count and I moved it all through quickly...).
Yes, It was a chocolate marshmallow egg. I've eaten 1 a day since Saturday. Did I read the nutritional value? Of course, not that it makes it any better... 4 eggs, 130 cal, 4 fats, 18 sugars and 1 protein (HEY! So, I only got .24 proteins......). And THIS is why I have limited myself to only 1 per day. Small treat and I still have SOME control....
Now, my REAL addiction these days is about backing away from something. I just went 5 days goldfish-free and had my Mom pick some up at the market because I THINK about them all day long. What sick little individuals we are...and to think, we all passed the Pysch eval!
Have a great day!