OT: Prayers needed, please!
Hello my dear friends...
I know you are all wonderful at supporting each other (I thank you all greatly). I am asking for any of you who feel strongly to reach out to my friend's daughter. She was the girl in the accident in DE City this weekend. Rose is a good girl, all three of these kids were 'good' kids, none deserved this...unfortunatlely, we all know that teenagers think they are invincible...
Rose is in a bad situation right now...I won't go into details, you can all imagine. So, please, I know her mother, sister and grandparents would appreciate any positive energy you can send her way.
Thanks for listening,

T T.
on 3/21/05 12:23 pm
on 3/21/05 12:23 pm
I am so sorry. I know how rough it is to go through a tragedy such as this. My son lost his best friend when they were 12. Truly a senseless tragedy. This boy was like one of my own, practically lived with us. My heart still aches for all involved. My son has never quite gotten over it. Trust that I understand and my prayers are with you and your daughter as well as Roses and her family.