This is not good...
Hello everyone and I hope that all are well. Well, on 3/9, I went in for a minor GYN surgery procedure. Since my WLS was coming up on 4/11, I didnt want to be knocked out with general anathesia both times. So I chose the epideral option w/ a local. All went fine until after I got home. Later that night, I began to have nausea,vomiting and massive body/ head pain and was unable to sit or stand. So last Friday, I was soooo sick that I had to go by ambulance back to Christiana. They had to put needles back in my back (spine) and give me a Blood patch (blood transfusion) and I was ready to hurt somebody for real up in that place. Needless to say, I missed a week and a 1/2 from work due to spinal fluid leakage from the epideral (surgeons error). However...... I had to cancel my WLS due to me being sick and they have me on hold for 6mos. Now, I am very sad but feel I just cant go through any more sickness from a surgery at this time. Meanwhile, I just have to pray and lose weight on my own for now and in which I'm depressed. Tomorrow, I have a follow-up appt and will request for some anti-depressant meds and hopefully they will help me here.
I was at a point of given up on having a healthy life with the surgery and now I am confused on what is best for me now. I know I cant lose a 100+ or more in a year on my own and I feel horrible. Any suggestions???

T T.
on 3/20/05 1:48 am
on 3/20/05 1:48 am
Oh hon, sure wish I could give you a big old hug right now. I am so sorry for what you have been through and for your delay. BUT, and this is a big but ... No giving up allowed!!! You can and will get through this. We are all going to help you okay???
About losing weight on your own, sweetie, you are young and you can lose some ... my hubby has lost 70lbs with me (without surgery) simply eating more like I am. Using the rules that we wls folks have to learn. Truly Lysa, it does make a difference. You know the rules, as you have already been studying and preparing for surgery. Eat smaller meals more often per day. Concentrate on getting a fair amount of protein first, then work on complex carbs second and if still hungry, eat some whole grains. No food except for protein after 7:00 pm. Make sure you are taking good vitamin supplements, as I truly believe that it can help us with weight loss when the rest of us are in line, ya know? Even if you don't lose a whole lot, or perhaps not even lose anything (not likely), at the very least you will have had the opportunity to work on the necessary tools you will need when you are post op and in the interim, you are helping yourself to become healthier for surgery. Remember what Brett said also ... give yourself 20 minutes per day to walk. If you can't walk the whole 20 minutes, still do not use that alloted time for anything else. Keep trying until you can get in 20 minutes, then once that becomes easy, then work on speeding up your walk and then perhaps lengthening your walk.
Truly I wish there were something more I could do for you and make this all go away, but obviously I can not. So, I will just try my best to help support you and help you "make it" to your surgery date and not give up. The fight is not over Lysa ... you can and will do this!!!
Trust that my prayers will be with you.
It's okay Lysa,
Take a deep breath. For whatever reason God has given you this challenge. I am now 3wks out and let me tell you this WLS isn't a picnic either. God has a reason for everything and even though right now you may feel like this is hell on earth, it will get better. I am sorry to hear about your resent setback. But just look at it like that. a setback only, it's not the worst thing in the world. I don't know if you remember me telling you about my niece or not. She was the one I told you had Lupus and her doctor told her she could not get the WLS, plus she had to take medicine that that will in most cases cost a weight gain. She was determined that she was not going to get any bigger and let me tell you in one year she lost 180lbs without WLS. So when you say you can't do it without WLS, I know it can be done. Don't get me wrong, I understand how you feel. I got the surgery because I was at the end of the road slowing hitting that 400lb mark and I felt completely hopeless, but there is such a respect I have for folks like my niece who did it without the surgery. God may want you to take a different road and that's not a bad thing all the time. Please be encouraged. I am going to check on you. Please let me know if I can do anything for you. How's the little guy?
Towanda T.