Another Goal Met
Hi everyone,
All week long I have been down with the flu from hell, which is just now getting better. lol, at least I don't wish the truck that hit me would turn around and come finish me off today
A little bright spot in the week is that I met another goal, I'm now overweight. That cracks me up that I'm happy about being overweight
Considering that almost exactly this time last year I was morbidly obese ( UGH I hate the word obese, it has to be about the ugliest word in the English language ) then I became severely obese, then just obese, and now...tada! I'm overweight. I will be one year out next Thursday and I'm down a total of 116 pounds and still losing. Life is good
I have a pair of jeans I'm working on getting into, they are Gap lowrise buttonfly ankle length...yes gals, I did say lowrise, buttonfly! Size 14 but I think these maybe run a bit smaller than that. I can wear them but they are too tight to wear in public just yet, but soon!

Congratulations, Linda... Awesome accomplishment. I agree with you about that word obese. I remember when I would never use that word. I hated it. Hated to admit that I was obese. Then when I found out I was super morbidly obese. What could be worse... Now about those jeans...If I can wear biker's spandex, you can certainly wear your lowrise, buttonfly. After all if you can't wear them among your friends, where can you wear them
Your Bud Rob

Congratulations (on another goal met)! And I am glad you are feeling better after having that flu.
I am continually moved by how inspirational and supportive everyone is for each me, having my surgery was a blessing and meeting friends along my weight loss journey is simply wonderful.
Low rise jeans, biker shorts...I have a suggestion to consider...I'm going to start wearing my clothes inside out so everyone can see the size tag...OK, it's kind of silly but THINK about it! Could work?!?