Saturday meeting........
Hiya Joe,
I will sorta be there. I have that meeting upstairs for women 6 months and longer. It runs from 9-12 so you will have to find a standin for me for you to get in trouble with. Good thing too, my halo needed a good polishing
Linda The Angelic
( I know what you're thinkin' and you can just BITE ME lol )

Ellen & Joni, let me introduce you to Joe. He is one of the resident foxes. He is tall and very handsome, not to mention single. He is a new member of the century club and can cook. He will have a huge grin on his face. He has a wonderful sense of humor too. If you choose to sit next to him, be prepared to laugh and chukkle during the meeting. Just be glad Linda will be upstairs so she won't get poor Joe in trouble. She is such an agitator. Hope Joe can make Panera's after the meeting. Rob can't do it alone every field trip. He could use some help.
((HUGS)) to you all. Elissa
omg, elissa... pls don't encourage the guy! we'll have to open all the windows now to allow for the swelling.
joe! u are so seriously in trouble in u don't make it to panera's this time. elissa, rob, sandy and of course, linda the angelic--u all are going, right? or maybe a field trip to trader joe's?

Oh, well if JOE'S going.... just kidding...not planning on it, I think..
I don't Elissa I probably wouldn't..then when I got off the phone, I remembered our neighborhood is supposed to have an Easter pancake breakfast get together that morning...hmmm. Gotta do SOME things with the munchkin! I did get an email saying the participation was, if it doesn't NEVER know who will show up!
So, Joe.....looks like you're becoming Mr Popular???