RECIPE - Sugar Free Sweetened Spiced Nuts
T T.
on 3/12/05 8:05 am
on 3/12/05 8:05 am
Here ya go Elissa ... the infamous nuts.
Sorry about the bad joke and the web page being off line. Sometimes I just feel like laying low.
But will gladly share anything I have with anyone who wants/needs it.
Anyway, I REALLY like these nuts, but I have to be careful not to overdo it with them.
Used to love this recipe pre-op (full sugar version) but had to "fix" it to fit us posties. Now I get requests all the time from other family members who are not allowed to do sugar. For the past two years, these have always made thier way into family gifts and everyone seems to love them. I know I sure do! Enjoy everyone!
Sugar Free Spiced Nuts
A great source of protein AND a great sweet & salty snack all in one.
1 egg white, slightly beaten
2 T cold water (mix into egg white)
Add 1/2 cup of white sugar (I used Splenda)
1/4 t ground cinnamon
1/4 t. ground cloves
1/4 t. allspice
1/2 t. salt
Mixed Nuts
Mix all items together and spread out on shallow pan and bake in a 250 oven for about an hour.

T T.
on 3/13/05 3:26 am
on 3/13/05 3:26 am
I wasn't at that meeting, but from what I have been able to understand, yeppers this is that recipe. Truly they are sooo good!!! I took these to the second meeting I ever went to also. Good snack for everyone, and oh so easy!!! I buy my nut in bulk at Costco and that really helps out a lot and yet makes it a little too easy to have them around all the time! *grin* I am down to making them on special occasions for now!
Have a great day, BTW - just got your email. My yahoo has been a bit on the crazy side at times. Sent you a note back.
T T.
on 3/13/05 3:30 am
on 3/13/05 3:30 am
Heya Chickie Poo!!!
What an EXCELLENT idea!!! You have my mouth watering and my body ready to hit the kitchen to give it a try ... BUT, I think I will just wait until I hear from you how it went. Oh my goodness, that sounds like such a great idea!!! Gosh, the variations are endless ... ranch nuts, honey mustard nuts, etc etc etc ...
Ummmmm think I am going to head to the kitchen after all!!! Lemme know what you come up with and I will let cha know what I happen across as well!!!
*walks out and dawns her chef hat for inspiration*
Thanks a lot! I was the one who asked Elissa for the recipe; sugared nuts like this are a holidaytime favorite of mine and I'm so glad to not give them up!! I bet with the BBQ alterations, we could probably also figure out a ranch-flavored alteration too. Perhaps you ought to make them in bulk, bundle them up in pretty jars, and sell them!
I've been reading your posts and your profile since I first started searching online and I don't know that I've ever mentioned it, but thanks a lot. The information and support you always offer, as well as your own journey, have been really helpful and inspirational. From one intimate stranger to another; thank you so much. You've made a difference in my journey.
Always Peace-
T T.
on 3/14/05 4:10 am
on 3/14/05 4:10 am
You are more than welcome. I am glad to help. I know exactly what you mean about loving these things pre-op ... me too, exactly my reason for tweaking our recipe. Looking forward to trying our other varieties, but have not gotten around to an actual experiment just yet ... so many ideas, so little time at times. *grin*
Now I want to thank YOU so much for your encouragement. Your words could not have come at a better time. Your encouragement is very much appreciated. Thank You!
Hi Tam, yes this is the recipe. Course I altered a little. Had pumkin pie spice in the cupboard and added nutmeg. This will work with just about anything. Maybe spicey garlic nuts for a twist. I'll give that one a try. Oh to dare to be different. You are the recipe guru. Hope your little guys are feeling better so maybe you can come out and play on Saturday. Would love to have you come to Panera's and Trader Joe's after the Women's class on Saturday. Bring the little guys if can. ((HUGS)) Elissa