PMRI Tomorrow
Jen- Hahaha!
How much of an arse am I?! Heh!
I'm really glad you're planning on going NEXT (heh) Saturday. I think you'll appreciate it a lot. Can you stay a bit later and join some folks for lunch and a trip to Trader Joe's afterwards?
In terms of grumpiness, today is better than yesterday and hopefully not as good as tomorrow will be; and in GREAT news, Jesse's so terrified I'm going to burst into tears or fly off the handle that she's willing to bend to my every whim and fancy! NOT that I'd abuse her kindness...but hey, I was MEANT for this kind of treatment!
Congratulations on your weight loss; that's awesome and I'm super dooper proud of you. I'm trying not to watch my "numbers" because I know that eventually that will play head games with me, but I know I'm losing weight and I know I'm feeling better and I know that I wore a pair of jeans I haven't worn well in a few years. So, that's good on progress for me! I haven't really noticed any differences in food tastes, but my sniffer has gotten hyper sensitive; I can smell things like a super-hero!
Looking forward to seeing you; we should give our other 'classmates' a call!
xo -S
Susane -
The good news? This phase only lasted me about 2 weeks. Jess will deal with it and all will be well in the end and guess what? You'll be healthier! Yeah!
Keep your chin up and stay with the postive attitude! You are doing the right things, doing the protein, walking (getting your aggressions out, etc) and your bracelet making. Can't wait to see them.
We definitely need to make a plan to get together. I won't be at next Saturday's meeting (my mom works that day and I've been to the meeting several times, so not going to knock myself out for it).
If you need to yell, talk, cry or know I'm here for you!
Take care,
Hey Gigee! Thanks so much for the invite!! I've been hounding Jesse to let me get a mani/pedi this week. She doesn't understand the pleasure of it as she'd rather be given a hammer or something greasy to monkey around with for relaxation's sake! I'm going to be giving you a call in a bit; she's called dibs on the day and wants to go "exploring"...which means we drive around all over God's good creation looking for old Victorian houses we'd love to live in but will probably never be able to afford...but hey, the next time you need a fill, call me up. I'd love to come along!