hi gang
Hi everyone,
I thought I'd stick my nose out of hiding for a bit. I have always been one to get quiet and look inside myself during times of struggle and that's what I have been doing the past couple weeks or so. Not so sure I'm ready to come out of this shell yet either. But I think it would be good for me mentally if I did so here I am!
This no smoking thing has the ability to drive me nuts! At this point I think it's just a mental thing but boy do I ever want to rebell!!
I've still been extremely tired, though I can see an increase in stamina. My memory is getting better. The depression that comes along with it has been kicking my butt. The fluid is hanging on for dear life. I can't wait for this to level out. The doc increased my synthroid dosage again and I go tomorrow for more blood work. It is this blood work that will determine if my surgery date stands. And if that date stands then I have 2 weeks 4 days and 1 hour or so to go before I report to the hospital.
And Debbie? I've not forgotten about that little shopping adventure and have my calendar marked for Wed. Are we still on?
Anyway, that's me and my world. Ya'll catch me up on you have been up to and how things are going for you! I enjoy being the mom so come sit down and tell mom all about your day!
Hey Gigee,
missed you. The boards have been pretty quiet the past month. I'll say some extra prayers for your blood work to be okay so you can get on the looser's bench with us. We are keeping it warm. Try to stay focused and positive. There have been a few of us that have had a longer journey than others.
They both were patient and finally got there dates and are among the Looser's. Each time someone struggles, I think the rest of us start to pray. Together we'll help you get through this. So hang on. It'll be soooooo worth the extra effort.

(((((((((( Elissa ))))))))))))
Thank you so much for the encouragement and prayers. It's 5:50 am. I'm not anxious about this blood work at all! LOL I'm going to stay positive about all this. Especially the thyroid cause this just has to get better
First things first!
Ya know, there's just nothing to do at my house on a Saturday this early... and I totally refuse to start laundry
Again, thank you.

Gigee, I have missed seeing your messages here. I have been thinking about you and hope that each day will get easier for you. You know in your mind that it will be well worth it to quit and get on with the next part of your journey. I don't smoke but can identify with you with my sweet tooth. Being a diabetic, I know how bad it is for me, but it is sooooooooooooo hard not to put it in my mouth. Maybe we can be each others cheerleaders. Have a great day. Ellen
Let's do it Ellen! We'll fight the sweet tooth smoking thing together. It definitely helps to buddy up. I understand that sweets is about like smoking. As long as you just stay away from them it's good, but put one in your mouth and you it just makes you want more. Overall it's better, this smoking thing, but my trigger points rear their ugly head.
Our health is depending upon us so I'll start cheering now!

Oh Saltless wonder,
Who in the world said you could untwist when this was over? LOL You know, I have made progress and part of my hadnt' even considered that until I just read it in your post. I guess I've been too busy focusing on the struggle to recognize the good part! Now that's a twist I'm glad you tossed my way!
You be good pretzel man and we'll negotiate the untwisting after I've had my surgery
(((((( Dwight ))))))

Gigee....its been a long week....YES we are still on for Wednesday. Let me give you a buzz over the weekend to firm up place and time....You are probably more familar with the shops of the area so any advice you have for some smart cute heels I am game!
I worked for this man for eight years and got nothing...not even a goodbye. I was told to plan my own going away party which I started down the road with and at the last minute he told me that he could not make it and asked if I could do it the end of April. Okay I find this a little weird since I am leaving the beginning of March. I shut down all plans and well told him I was not available the end of April. I was so upset because he brought this issue up twice! I lost my temper last night which bothered me. When I went in today there was a coolness between us. Not sure if it was just me or him too! I really feel bad for the new girl he hired. She does not have a clue of what she has walked into. Was I wrong to let her walk into this place?
It was sad experience for me and I was hurt. I know its only a business relationship but to treat people like that?
All I can say is I am glad to be gone....I hope this new job is all of that because after working at this place I really do need to be in an environment where I would be appreciated. I so miss that!
Hopefully new shoes will spring me into better steps at the new job and a new buddy! I really am looking forward to shopping with you!
I am keeping my fingers crossed for you that those meds help you! And that you keep that surgery date! I need someone to half a Turkey Sandwich with me!