OT: The coward strike again!
Hi all,
First let me apologize for this email. I feel like I have been forced to write this based on the cir****tances.
Over the past two weeks, I have received three nasty emails from someone involved with our support group. The person sends the email and then deletes the email address so that I cannot reply.
The person observed me at a PMRI meeting and basically thinks I am a show-off, bragger, big flirt, etc. I was told that I am obsessed with myself, my looks, tiny, but not all that.
Since I am unable to reply to the person, I am hoping that they will read this message.
I have worked very hard to get to this point in my life. I will not apologize for being happy, proud of myself and for all of my accomplishments. I'm sorry you feel that I am phoney, because I truly do care about the other people in this group. I was taught at a very young age that there is nothing like a direct approach. Approach me and we can discuss it like adults. It's extremely childish to send an email and then "hide".
Hope all is well with everyone. Take care and best wishes
Deb -
This is absolutely ridiculous! I'm glad you had the guts to step up here. I'm sure the coward will NEVER be brave enough to face you.
Their loss, not yours. You've done a FANTASTIC job over that last 14 months and look great, you ARE all that and then some!
Keep up the good work and the great attitude!
The new pic is awesome! 


Hi Deb,
It totally ****** me off that you got email like that. I'm with you, I appreciate the direct approach. I guess I might be one to tend to rufflew feathers at times and take people out of their comfort zone with some of my ideas and posts but I say oh well, if they don't like me, don't read what I have to say, simple as that, so I understand where you are coming from.
GOOD FOR YOU on not apologizing for your success! You have worked damn hard to get where you are and I for one look to your success to help me achieve MY success. Trust me, you are the last person I would see as a show off, bragger or someone will a self obsession. I say this publicly because I don't agree and I don't mind if the world knows it. Sounds like a bitter jealous person for whatever reason and I'm sorry they feel that way and have to direct their unhappiness at your success.
You stand right up to your full...what...3 feet tall?
and be proud of who you are and all your accomplishments and those who don't like it can just take their misery elsewhere.
Linda ( The one who doesn't give a rats ass who likes her and who doesn't

Wow Deb,
Someone doesn't know much about you! I feel like the whole PMRI group has turned into a Peyton Place. I don't enjoy it as much anymore. I think what you have accomplished is fantastic! And I think we all deserve to brag and show-off a little...WLS is not easy but it sure is rewarding. Remain proud and strong, and don't worry about shouting it to the world. We all love you!
Your bud Rob
PS. I totally missed the flirting part, so I am a bit jeolous (lol).

OMG! first of all, i'm appalled. second of all, who the he*l is messing with my little angelette???
this kind of trivial, sophomoric behavior is totally uncalled for and to be quite honest, is nowhere near the support and compassion that i've come to expect and reveal in at the meetings--what have we become?? (peyton place, indeed, rob!). anyone of us that are more than a year out feel u'r same euphoric pride and happiness...and we feel it not only for ourselves but more certainly for each other.
so, let me tell u deb...u CONTINUE to stand up and be proud. and we will be right behind u singing u'r praises, girlfriend!!

Hi Single Digit Deb, 1st of all you are looking great. The new picture is soooooooo awesome. How dare someone say & do something so rude. Whoever it is is gutless and obviously has not been through what we have been through to say such obnoxious things.
I wonder if this is an outside lurker that wants to iritate you. Do you have any ex-friends that might want to get back at you for some reason?
This reminds me of a jealous lover or some jealous former girl-friend maybe. WLS people, especially the ones I've come in contact with, can be opinated, strong-willed, stubborn but I can't believe that any of us could be this malicious. Somehow there are ways to discover who you are!! So lurk if wish. But be more carefull who you attack. You can't take away all we have accomplished no matter what you say.
So Go Debi, don't let this get you down. We are all behind you. Stay focused and positive. Thanks for letting us know. Seems we can't control the perverts of the world.

T T.
on 3/7/05 6:57 am
on 3/7/05 6:57 am
First off let me say three things ...
#1 ... Your new pic is WONDERFUL.
So glad you got it updated.
#2 ... You need to have the pics on your profile page fixed also. I love your other pic, but you need to have your before pic added to show just how far you really have come my dear. I was just going through the pics on PMRI the other day and ran across you before pics ... What a remarkable difference. You have done an incredible job my friend!!! I and many others are very proud of you and happy for you and wish you nothing but continued success. Truly my friend, you are beautiful both inside and out. And I could not be happier for you. Now feel free to be confident, and shout your success to the world and who cares if you do actually flirt - you are single ya know!!! I say GO FOR IT!!! Make em squirm!!!
#3 ... Last but not least ... I LOVE the new name ...
Now about the email ... Trust that you have done an excellent job and most of us are very, very proud of you and happy for you. As your family, we celebrate your successes with you and with everyone else here for that matter. And you know that our hearts and yours are also burdened with those who are struggling. All part of being a family. So sorry this person does not share in the caring and giving, but rather in the hurt and discontent. However, please do not allow this one "person" to shake you Deb. Remember that the majority of us care for you and would do anything to shield you from harms way. It has already been stated from those before me so have no doubt that we are all here behind you, beside you, and in front of you ... standing firm and supporting you.
Most and foremost, take heart and remember that unsigned emails are invalid. If someone is not man or woman enough to claim the words, then the words simply have no value. So don't give them any.
However, if this person continues to email/harass you under the cloak of darkness, call me, they may be unsigned but not untraceable.
Love ya Chickie!!!
aka Tam Tam

Hi Deb,
When I first started looking into having wls I lurked on this site for months (truth be told almost 1 year). I read alot of profiles. When I finally made my decision to do this I looked at you and others as SUPER
role models. Nobody can take what you have accomplished away from you!!!!!! You have been and continue to be an inspiration to me.
You look FABULOUS and you should be very proud!
I will introduce myself to you at one of the meetings to personally thank you for being a trailblazer!
Take care,
Linda Barrett
WLS 1/10/05