Questions about Supplements
Hi Joni,
I have never tried Isotonics, don't know anything about them. Welcome to the great raging calcium debate. I never have seen definite answers or official studies about this, just annecdotal information of "My Dr. Says" kind of thing. I attended one of the ( many lol ) first three months meetings and heard Dr. Wynn address this, when asked she said that yes, a certain amount of acid is needed to help absorb the calcium in carbonate form BUT that digestion and absorption also takes place further down the GI tract. I have used both carbonate and citrate. I only found one citrate that was doable and that was the lozenge type from, not overly expensive and tastes good. Most of the time I use Viactive. There are so many schools of thought on this surgery and I've yet to see the same protocol for any 2 doctors. It's my opinion ( right or wrong ) that the most important thing is that I get my supplement and take it faithfully, not whether one is aborbed a milimicronanogram more than another. Yes, I made that word up
Right now I take:
3 Active Kids Complete ( Walmart brand comparable to Flinstones Complete but taste better)
1 Sublingual B-12 every other day ( am cutting back from everyday because levels have been off the charts since surgery)
2 Viactive...been using the chocolate mint flavor. mm mmmm good stuff.
I feel good and my blood work has been perfect for a year. So far so good and if it ain't broke, I ain't fixin' it! I will stay with this regimen until the docs change it for whatever reason. Hope this helps a bit.

Hi Joni,
You can use either the calcium carbonate or the citrate, they are both fine. I use the ActiveCal (carbonate) from GNC. They come in chocolate or caramel flavors and you take one chew twice a day. I love the caramel ones, it's like having a candy treat twice a day!
They come in containers of 75 for $7.99, but often you can get a second container for 1/2 price.
Hope this helps,