PMRI & Protein Question
Anyone going to tomorrow night's meeting at PMRI? I'll be there with some examples of the bracelets that I'm peddling (celestial themes included!). I'm the cute girl with the curly hair who'll be two weeks out tomorrow!
Now, I also had a question...
Anyone have any information on what our doctors say about protein absorbtion? Is it better to have two 20gm protein drinks, or one 40gm protein drink? I guess what I'm asking, is there a limit to how much our body absorbs in one sitting.
Thanks & I hope to see people there!

Susane -
No one has specified to the best of my knowledge..what I found was most people discussed xx amount of protein an hour..well, as far as liquid goes...I can't get more than 10-20 gm of protein an hour. I drink 20 oz of NF milk w/ low carb Carnation Instant breakfast as my 1st 'meal' of the day, it takes me 2 2.5 hours to drink and it is about 25 gms of protein. So, even if I had the 40 gm Isopure, it would take at least 2 hrs to drink. I really don't think it matters that much. More, it's just important that we get it in. Ya know?
And of course, more is better. I'm supposed to get at least 80 grams of protein in each day, I usually get somewhere between 100 & 150, depending on my day.
Hope this helps and I hope to be there tomorrow...