It's Been Awhile...
Hello Everyone,
It has been awhile since I have posted but I want all of you to know I read the posts every few days and respond when I feel I can be of use. It has been 17 months since my gastric bypass and 6 months since my plastic sugery. I had gotten down to 133lbs which I ws totally amazed at but in the last 2 weeks I have gained 10 pounds!!! My husband and parents all say I look much better with adding the 10 pounds but I didn't see anything wrong with being at 133. I think I let me eating go hay wire while trying to maintain and not loose anymore weight. Now I am back on the crunch and trying to take those 10 pounds off. I don't want to start a weight gaining trend!
I want to congradulate all of you who have recently had surgery and send best wishes to those waiting thier turn. You guys are all wonderful especially Joe V, Tammy, and Rob. Joe V has been especially wonderful to me. I went through an addiction to pain killers which I am still fighting and he has been there the whole time for me. Those damn ulcers started scaring me so I would take more and more pain killers and eventually was taking them even when I didnt need them.
Peace~~ Hope
Hi Hope,
Nice to hear from you. You've been an inspiration to us 'oldies', and I'm glad you've updated. I'm impressed that you are taking on your struggles head on.... we all have our own deamons to battle, and I'm sure you will tackle any one that you take on. I'm a daily struggler, but not giving up the battle either. Take care of yourself.
T T.
on 3/7/05 11:07 am
on 3/7/05 11:07 am
It is good to see you posting. I will never forget your first email to me, when I was just a brand new newbie. You offered me some great advice and lot's of support and being brand new and not quite sure how it all worked, I am not sure I ever thanked you. So I will do it now ... Thank you!!!
About the weight gain ... I had an episode a while back where I put on 5 pounds slicker than a whistle ... it was incredibly easy. And while it was not easy to take off ... it did come off along with some of it's friends. Guess that was a bit of a relief to me to find that I was able to work the tool to get the weight back off. Regain has always been a concern of mine ... now I feel a little more comfortable knowing that I was able to work the tool at least this once, and hopefully will be able to do it again if the need arises. You will be able to do it also ... if you really need to do it? Take what your parents and hubby are saying into consideration Hope ... sometimes us bypass patients can't see the real us, and we need our loved ones to help us. Not sure where you stand on the whole body dismorphia thing ... thus the only reason for my question. Now about the pain pills ... things are getting better? Anything I can do to help? You know you can call me anytime, day or night. Offer still stands ... I will be praying for you.
I am not online much these days ... and when I am, I mostly just lurk. Not a whole lot to say that I think anyone would want to hear. Just staying mostly to myself. This past week the boys have been ill ... allowing me even less time to hop online. Take care of yourself Hope.