Back home with good news!
I got to come home from the hospital today. It was pretty scary there for a while. We ruled out a leak yesterday - great news! Dr. I said that what the first radiologist thought was residual fluid was actually my old stomach. He said that our procedure is still so new that many radiologists don't recognize this fact. So, he felt that my pain is muscular. I can't tell you how relieved I am!
I still have some pain, but it is easy to live with now just knowing that it is nothing more than a pulled muscle. Thank you all for your good wishes.
Hey Donna, Thanks for the update girl. We are all praying that you'd be okay. Take it easy. No jogging yet. Stick to the walking and sipping and breathing. I had a urinary track infection about 4 wks out (caused by the cathetor). Boy I felt like someone kicked me in my back & lower ribs. As soon as I told Brett, I got a urine test and meds to fix me up. You really shouldn't be in severe pain, so if you feel something is wrong, tel the doc's right away. They will check you out and fix it. ((HUGS)) Elissa