Surely someone must know if you are diabetic does your hemoglobinAIC
have to be below a certain number, like say 8 in order to get the surgery and if it is higher will the surgery be post poned until the diabetes is under better control? I have myself in a tizzy worrying over this. My regular doctor ordered the test this morning and I had it done, so I will call him tomorrow to get the results. My appt. with the nurse practitioner at PMRI is next week so I will also check with her.
Also, does anyone know if you are able to have lap band if you have gastroparesis (a complication of diabetes). I don't think I have this, but my family doctor is concerned I might and he says he does not think I can have the band if I have gastroparesis.
Please pray I don't have it or if I do, that I can still have the band. If not, I guess I am back to square 1 with Weigh****chers, counting points for the rest of my life and pretty much being hungry all the time. I am worrying myself now, probably needlessly
but I seem to specialize in that.
I worked all night. I better go to
and pray a
is watching over me.
Pink Dots

I was told that the magic number for surgery was 8. Above is no good and anything below is good.
My pre-surgery A1C was 8.2 and I did not know until the day before whether I would have the surgery or not. Obviously I went and have lived happily ever after (LOL)
My surgery was at the Barix Clinix and not here in Wilmington so your results may vary. Dont spend to much time worrying about the AIC, as that can be lowered in a month or two by watching your diet. I hear it over and over again on this board, but its true:
Everything happens for a reason!
Keep your faith and I will keep you in my prayers. Dwight