MSN Site
MSN has been being a mega pain the arse the last while. Hotmail is funky alot of the time too the last few days. Here is a link to the page incase for some reason yours is wrong. Carla changed it to a closed community because we kept getting bot ads in there and having to delete them constantly. If you haven't joined and would like to, just click join and it will send both Carla and I an email and one of us will approve it.
Not sure if they are working out some sort of community glitch or something, that happens sometimes. I'm sure it will be back to normal soon.

thank-u so much. linda!! i was finally able to get in this time (after resetting my password, that is). will be adding some updated pix...haven't since november!
also hope to see some pix on there from the last meeting soon (hint, hint, elissa!) lol
and where has mamasita been?? sent her an email today--hope to hear back from her.