Hi nancy crouch, Milton DE here.
Had a great time at the seminar saturday. Loved Penerra's and trader Joes. Its so nice to talk to other people who are having or had the surgery so you can compare notes. I had mine at Barix Center Langhorne PA and met a gentlemen who had gone there also. Anyone else out there that went? I am very happy with my results. I am losing weight, feel great and can't wait to buy new clothes. I wanted to know where I can get the unjury unflavored drink though. Although I can just about make my protein by eating; sometimes I'm not in the mood to eat alot of meat. I tried the unflavored sample in my oatmeal and loved it. I ate it for dinner last nite because I just didn't want alot. My daughter, Julie had a great time too and put the injury in her crystal light with I will also. Appreciate all the help and loved meeting you all. Thanks again
Hi Nancy -
Yes, www.unjury.com is the website or you can call 1 800 517 5111, they usually have it to you within 2 business days (if I ordered today - now..I would have it on Friday..).
Also, CHRIAS (Dr's Wynn, Irgau, Peters, etc) sell it at there office and PMRI is now selling it on the 2nd floor.
I know the 2 of you are in Milton, didn't know if Julie had an appt up this way in the next bit of time or not...this at least gives you 3 options!
Take care,
Hi Nancy,
, This is Gail I sat with you and Julie at Panera's on Saturday and then went to Trader Joe's. It was great meeting everyone and comparing events. As for the unjury they did sell it at the meeting on Saturday, I bought a container there that day. And you can buy it on the 2nd floor at PMRI or you can get it at Dr. Wynn/Irgau's office, or order it online. Yes, I have started putting it in crystal light and I also went and bought a bunch of those crystal light individual servings that you told me about. They will come in so handy to take to work and add to water and my unjury. Thanks. Well, take care, tell HI to Julie and keep in touch. Having surgery on the 2nd. So Excited
, can not believe it is soon here.
God Bless Gail