I'm approved
Hello all, I had to tell everyone.. My Tricare insurance approved my sugery for March 2nd, 05.. WHOOOO HOOOOO,
I'm so excited that I'm ready to go right now..
I don't know if I will be able to sleep all week now.. Thank you all for your support and being here to listen to me.. And Thank you Especially to my
Gigee. God Bless and Hugs, Gail

T T.
on 2/21/05 9:18 pm
on 2/21/05 9:18 pm
HiJack - Elissa
Hello there girl!!! I remember seeing a post from you when I was lurking one day and now I can't find it. So if you don't mind I will answer here! *wink*
As you already know, I was not able to make it to PMRI on Saturday. Sure did miss you all. Sounds like you all had a great time. I was busy helping my older boy move into his first apartment. Bitter sweet day for sure. House seems kinda empty now, even with two little ones running around and playing. Guess it just goes to prove that everyone has a special place in their mamas heart. Anyway, still plugging along and loving life. Played kickball with the kids at the gym yesterday ... imagine that? Anyway ... I sure do miss you also. Sounds like you are doing wonderful. I am so happy for you! Call if you ever need anything. I am not online much these days and it seems to be getting less and less as the days pass. But I never forget about any of you. I hold each of you, my friends, near and dear to my heart.
Hugs and kisses,