Sturday's PMRI meeting
Hi Debbie!
I wasn't able to go to the meeting either -- could you email me the handout?? I would appreciate that so much. I am struggling to get the proteins in that I'm supposed to be getting in. My email is [email protected]
Thanks again!!!

Hello, I would also like the information on Saturday's meeting please. My e-mail address is [email protected].
Hi Debbie! I was wondering if you would be able to e-mail me the information also. I would really appreciate it. My e-mail is [email protected]. Thank you very much - I can always use help!
Sorry to do this to you - I too missed the meeting - one I REALLY wanted to attend. I wish PMRI would post these handouts, but I have to ask you if you wouldn't mind sending me a copy as well. I would really appreciate it - I loook forward to meeting you next time.
Address: [email protected]
Thanks, Maria