Has anyone else heard
Hi everyone.......... After reading penelope's earlier post, I was wondering if any one else heard that they dropped the weight loss requirement in order to pass the life skills classes? I have been fretting over these last few lbs. that I cannot, for one reason or another, seem to loose. It is not as easy for some of us. I applaud the people for whom it comes easy, but, please, do not think that the others are slackers, or quiters.

I haven't heard that in fact I received all my clearences however, my surgery is suppose be 2/23 and I have to go get weighed tomm, to see if I lost the couple of pounds that make my 2% goal. At this point my surgery is being held up for a couple of pounds. Now, honestly I know that I should have been more aggressive about losing weight. However, this is a life change and if you are anything like me, it's a huge adjustment not to lean on food for comfort. Between all of the doctors appointments etc. and trying to hold down a full time job, it has been very streesful and it's a fact, stress can make you retain pounds.
I agree with the doctors decision that if you gain 20lbs or more from your original consult that it could be a concern and the Doctors may choose not to do surgery at this time, however, if you have lost some weight or been able to maintain your current weight throughout the pre-surgery process, I feel allowances need to be made.
I encourge you to do your best and hopefully by the time you have to get weighed it will be a fact that the weight requirement is gone. Changes are forever taking place in the world of Gastric Bypass Surgery and for patients of the the Institute of Advanced Surgery, we know it all too well. I feel we have a great group of surgeons who care about us and the changes they require are to ensure the best success rate possiable. That's why even though some of the stuff I have gone through to get to this point has made me mad and frustrated, I try to remember it's all to benefit me.
Hang in there, I am hanging in here right along with you.
I haven't heard .... but when I went through the classes, I did the same -- gained, lost, gained -- it was during Thanksgiving and Christmas so it was soooo hard. I was just utterly frustrated that we are about to embark on the scariest thing in our lives and here they go putting more stress on me. I was pretty angry at first but then I told myself, like Towanda said, they must be doing this for my own good. In the end, I was a few pounds from what I needed to pass and I talked to our leader and she said I could come back in a week or two weeks -- whatever it took -- to get the pounds off. Luckily, I came down with the flu the day after our class ended, didn't eat for a week and was able to lose the weight. I wouldn't wish that on anyone, but at least you know the staff at PMRI will work with you. Now, if your surgery date is in jeopardy, that would be scary. If you are really worried, talk to the person in charge of your class and they will work with you. If I didn't lose after being sick for that week, I was considering Slim Fast for a few days ... it might be what it takes to take those few pounds off. Just remember, it will all be worth it in the end!
Good luck!!!!