I just wanted to let everyone know how wonderful it was to meet you all yesterday at the meeting. I enjoyed the meeting, the interaction, the lunch, and going to Trader Joe's.
You all are an inspiration to me. I felt so good about myself after leaving you all yesterday.
I woke up this morning and decided that today is the first day to a healthier me.
I bought a journal and I have been calculating my protein and sugar all day.
Elissa, Thanks so much for the sample of the unflavored unjury. I put it in my Crystal light today and have been drinking it all day.
I am motivated and ready to go. I am looking forward to becoming a LOSER one of these days.
Thanks for all of your support
Julie, I felt the same way after my 1st meeting. Finally, I felt comfortable and totally at ease with a bunch of people the same as me. Good for you starting today. Please stay focused & positive. If you fall off the wagon, start again tomorrow. You might want to start getting in a little extra walking. The sooner you start, the more you'll benefit by the exercise.
The Unjury is not for everyone, but it certainly works for me.
How'd your Mom like it? You can call the 800 # on the pkg or order it online. Or the Doc's office has it too. Good Luck. TT you soon.