Just had to post this, I`m waiting for my date. Very anxious. I`m ready for this to happen. My hubby is also going to have the surgery and he is excited too. We don`t know who will be first, I kind of hope it will be him because he has more co-morbities. I sure hope we get our dates soon. But they can`t be until after April, we will be away the whole month then.
T T.
on 2/12/05 8:44 pm
on 2/12/05 8:44 pm
Congratulations Lydia to both you and your hubby!!! Waiting for your date can be the hardest part. At least for me it was, but once I got my date and more importantly my insurance approval time literally flew by. By the time my surgery came, I was kinda wishing for more time to get those things done that I just didn't get to.
Funny, but true. But am so glad that I did not postpone it and so very thankful for getting my life and health back.
Wishing both of you the very best.