LOST... Please help
Hello my Name is Samantha Im 15 and 278lbs. I really want and need gastric bypass surgery i fell as if my whole life is wasted in this body and i truly just want to get out of it...if anyone knows of any doctors that are willing to do surgery on a under age patient PLEASE let me know...my life has been a living junk yard, the sad part of beeing my size/weight is im bigger that everyone in my family even my dad. My 17yr. old brother is the total opposite of my hes 130pounds and loving it. i Just want the chance to live my life, and live it happily so if any one has any suggestions please let me know thanks and if you would like any more info. about me please ask im open for disgustion.
thank you,
Hi Samantha,
I really can't help you with finding a doc, but I wanted to say hello, and telly you that I feel your pain. I'm sure many of us on here feel it. Would your parents support you in wanting WLS? Maybe you should start there because you would be under their insurance and see what docs are covered.
Sorry I can't help you more, but please know, that you are not alone.
T T.
on 2/12/05 8:39 pm
on 2/12/05 8:39 pm
Dear Samantha-
I'm so sorry your heart hurts this badly. It sucks beyond belief to feel trapped within your own skin, to not look in the mirror and see how you feel reflected back at you in your own image, and to walk every day in the world convinced everyone is looking at you and judging you for your appearance. It probably sucks worse because you're young and so many grown-ups don't think you have a valid opinion and because they'll write you off as just a whining adolescent. It's going to be okay.
The first thing you need to do is to make a list of the things you like about yourself, or used to like about yourself, and get back to focusing on them. If you do this, it will make the whole rest of it seem a lot more managable...and it will also help you from giving up. Giving up is the worst thing someone in our situation can do. Don't give up. You're not alone and you're life's not over. Honestly, it's just starting to begin. The best thing you've got going for you right now is that you've discovered you want to change. The only thing left to do is get about changing it. This is going to be hard work and you're going to need to be really disciplined, but if you want it badly enough, there's nothing that can stop you from losing weight. Before anyone will consider weight-loss surgery for you, you need to continue trying to lose weight on your own and get your family to help you.
Try sitting down with your parents and letting them know how badly you're hurting inside and that you want to get healthy. Ask them to take you to your doctor to talk about losing weight. I know this can be really hard and embarassing, but you're probably going to feel like there's been a weight lifted from your shoulders once you have the conversations. In the mean time, replace every soda you drink with a bottle of water. Every time you get ready to eat, ask yourself if you're really hungry and if what you're about to put in your mouth is good for your body. Every time you eat something it's a decision to help yourself or hurt yourself...but don't feel too guilty if you slip up. Everyone's human and it'll never work if you're denying yourself everything that makes you happy. Have 1 cookie, not 7. Does this make any sense?
Unfortunately, because of your age, there's not going to be a lot you can do without your parents' permission and support. Weight-loss surgery is a serious and scary decision. It's not a quick fix or easy solution, it means a life-time of being on a really restrictive diet with permenant consequences and health risks. Losing weight is always a lot of work. Get determined and start walking for 5 minutes longer than you walk every day now. Then move it up to ten minutes. And again, start remembering the things about yourself that you love and want other people to see.
You're going to be okay, and you're never ever alone. E-mail me if you like. I wish you peace.
Thank you for writing to me and trying to give me ways to help with weight loss. I truely appreate all that you have said and i will definatly try the list thing...it sounds like a great idea.
My parents have totally supported me, and will support me in what ever i can do. But i just want to be happy and healthy and feel like i can live my life. See the problem with ecersizing is i have two herniated disks in my lower back and sciatic nerve (in my left leg) that i have to go to physical therepy for and i can walk with out a limp and cant do ANY excersize with my leg because it gives me excruciating pain. The theripests tell me if i try any ecersizes it could make it worse (i go 3 times a week).
My life has been a living junk yard... When i was 6 i went to a public school and was teased and got into a fight with a girl..but nothiung changed. By the time i was eight i had to by at least 3 sets of new books because kids would either rip them up or pour soda in my backpack...and nothing was done (the kids denied it)...so i had faught 2 of the kids that had done that and was suspended. i changed schools and then was teased at thew new school so i then stopped going to school (skipped). (My brother had also been suspened from Defending me so many times) so then when my mom found out she decided to home school me, then by 5th grade i was trying to kgo to a good "christian" private school and was still tease so i delt with the teasing all through that school untill i left and went to a regular school in 8th grade and got into two fights at that school to and still didnt have one friend..until the end of that year. I applyed to the school i got to now Delcastle and i still have problems with kids but i try to ignore them..i have a very few close friends but its better than none. I have went home crying everyday sines my first expericence at my frist school and i still do it to this day.
Even over the years i ahve tryed my diets and excersize programs from my doctor and stayed on them for long peroids of time and not one have work. I just want to be healthy and happy with myself. Another reason why is because my aunt who i am just like (body wise) died at the age of thirty because she was so over weight she died of a heart attach in her sleep and i dread every day when i have to go to sleep becasue i might not wake up that is why i am so dedicated to find a doc. to help me become healthy and happy not just for me but so my family can see me every morning.
This is my story