It does not take much for me to get happy and excited. Especially after the diappointment with Seaford when they quit doing the surgery.
I went to Dr. Peters on 01-10-05 for consultation. Everything went well.
I got the letter from Blue Cross today aurthorizing my EGD shceduled for Feb. 9th. I was practically dancing all over the house. I guess because things are actually moving forward for me now. I have also scheduled by Cardiology clearance for Feb. 17th and my Pulmonology clearance for March 17th. Now, I still have not scheduled my classed for PMRI yet because they want that $1200 up front. We have to save up a little more money for that. I should have it by the end of February. Then I can call and set all of that up.
Anyone else have Blue Cross and submitted a claim to get that money back? Any feed back would be greatly appreciated.
In addition, I also found a support group that meets in Rehoboth on the first Tuesday of each month. My first group meeting will be tomorrow night.
Just wanted to share my excitement.
Hey there!! Looks like you and I will be in the same group. I also met with Dr.Peters 1/10 and have pulmonary appt. 3/17. Yes, I made the PMRI appointments and fronted the $1200 -- what a racket they have with this!! I have Blue sheild and hope to get whatever receipt, etc., to get some reimbursement. So I want to know if anyone else saw any $$$ back. I have a Flex plan and deduct, but that will use up a lot of it if I have to do it all!!! I start with PMRI tomorrow and finish up 4/6, so I'm thinking about surgery in May(?) or June(?). I have no way to estimate, and I'm hoping for all the clearances to go through, since before 2005 my insurances all had exclusionary clauses and wouldn't pay for WLS. I'm trying to remain low-key, but....hoping very hard!!!