Does anyone know???
Hi Fellow PMRI classmates
(class ending a few weeks ago)
I read where Michelle Ellerbe made out fine with her surgery. Does anyone have an update? Also was wandering if anyone knows if she was the first from our group to go thru the surgery. I lost my paper from the class with everyones e-mail and dates on it.
Would appreciate if someone e-mailed me another copy.
Tamme had surgery on the 25th and Jennifer was last week. I talked to Jenn a bit ago and she was doing great. I'll hunt up my copy and get it e-mailed to you this weekend. I saw Michelle's angel had posted that she came through surgery just fine, but I haven't had the chance to call her up since I ruptured an ear-drum this week!!!
I'm all set and ready for surgery on the 16th! Hope you're doing well!
Okay, here's the list as I have it:
1/18 - Jennifer H.
1/25 - Tamme W.
1/26 - Michelle E.
1/31 - Maryanne S. (she starts clear liquids tomorrow!)
2/1 - Rachell S.
2/2 - Bertie H. (I THINK I saw her after my endoscopy...heh.)
2/2 - Thomas H.
2/2 - Deborah B.
2/8 - Sheila D.
2/16 - Susane P.
(That's me!)
No Date - Bonnie
(heh. That's you)
No Date - Scott L.
No Date - Sharon S. (Lap-band)
No Date - Janice S.
I'll get the contact info off to you asap.