Gigee.. and all smokers...
Just read this in the Healthy Living Mag from Chrisitana care..
Each cigarette smoked shortensa a smokers life by 5 minutes.
On the POSITIVE SIDE, quitting offers almost immediate benefits.
20 min after your last cig. Your pulse, BP,and temp of ur hands andfeet will return to normal levels.
48 hrs after... your nerve endings will begin to grow back and your ability to smell and taste will improve.
2 wks to 3 months after... your circulation imporves, walking becomes easier and your lung function increases up to 30%.
1 - 9 months after.. coughing, sinus conges, fatigue and shortness of breath decrease and your overall energy increases.
1 yr after.. you have 1/2 the risk of heart disease you had when you were a smoker.
5 yrs after, your chances of dying from lung cancer decrease by 50%, and your risk for stroke is reduced to that of a non smoker (5-15 yrs after quitting).
Hope this helps. Good luck to all who are trying to quit.